"Ukraine has moved to suspend the activities of almost a dozen
opposition parties, including
the parliament’s second-largest group,
Opposition Platform – For Life, for as long as the conflict with Russia
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the decision of the
country’s National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) on Sunday.
It was made “given the full-scale war and the ties of some political structures with this state,”he said, apparently referring to Russia. According to Zelensky, the activities of the opposition parties will be put on hold “for the period of martial law.”
“Any activity of politicians aimed at division and collaboration
won’t be successful, but will instead be faced with a harsh response,” the president warned.
A total of 11 parties were blacklisted, including Opposition Platform
– For Life, which is the second-biggest in the Verkhovna Rada with 39
seats; Party of Shariy, founded by harsh critic of the Kiev authorities,
blogger Anatoly Shariy; and Nashi party, headed by Evgeniy Murayev." IW