Monday, September 12, 2022

Freeze for Global Agenda: U.N. Demands European Nations Do Not Return to Fossil Fuels over Energy Crisis

"The world is grappling with the worst energy crisis in generations however the U.N. has warned Europe a return to fossil fuels in response to soaring prices and winter shortages must not be considered under any circumstances.
Russia has reduced supplies of gas to Europe since its invasion of Ukraine, sending fuel prices soaring, while supply chain issues in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic have also hit deliveries.
Despite those travails, “There is no room for backtracking in the face of the ongoing climate crisis,” deputy U.N. rights chief Nada Al Nashif told the United Nations Human Rights Council.
She claimed the devastating floods affecting more than 33 million people in Pakistan are an example of what will happen to the world’s climate if there is a massed return to fossil fuels instead of seeking alternatives.
How many more tragedies of this sort do we need before the urgency of the moment jolts us into action?” she pleaded.
Speaking at the opening of the council’s 51st session in Geneva, Al Nashif acknowledged soaring energy prices in Europe “threaten to impact the most vulnerable as winter approaches.”
Al Nashif pointed out “some E.U. member states are turning to investments in fossil fuels infrastructure and supplies” and declared they must stop." Breitbart

Germany refuses to give battle tanks to Ukraine

"German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht has rejected demands to supply Kiev with Leopard 2 main battle tanks during a keynote speech at a German Society on Foreign Relations event on Monday." RT

Ukraine's 2nd Largest City Plunged Into Total Darkness As Russia Strikes Key Infrastructure

"Kharkiv, which is Ukraine's second largest city and is the biggest population center closest to
Russia's border, has been plunged into total darkness amid alleged Russian attacks on key infrastructure sites, including large power stations." ZH