Sunday, August 28, 2022

Rewriting History, Putin Pitches Russia as Defender of an Expanding Motherland

"Putin pitched Moscow as a defender of its historical motherland on a crusade to protect
Russians and Russian speakers from “genocide” as he justified the dramatic decision to
recognize the independence of pro-Russian separatsts in Eastern Ukraine late on Monday.
In an hour-long emotional, and occasionally angry, address to the nation, Putin outlined his interpretation of Ukrainian history and what he sees as persecution of Russians in the Donbas, concluding that he was left with no choice but to recognize the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states.
The West acts as if there are no horrors and no genocide, to which almost four million people are being subjected,” Putin said in the closing remarks of his address, speaking from behind a desk in his office.
How long can this tragedy continue? How much longer can we stomach it?”
They are fighting for their basic rights — to live on their own land, to speak their own language, to preserve their culture and traditions,” he added, in reference to the Donbas residents." MT

China Answers Sen. Blackburn Visit By Buzzing Taiwan With 4 Nuclear-Capable Bombers

"Beijing has issued its response to anti-China hawk Sen. Marsha Blackburn visiting Taiwan on Thursday and Friday. It began with at least 35 PLA jets buzzing the island's airspace on Friday, including 8 Chinese Navy vessels patrolling off the island.
....Thomlinson reported "China sends four nuclear-capable bombers near Taiwan one day after Sen. Marsha Blackburn met Taiwan’s president in Taipei." ZeroHedge

Deadly Clashes In Tripoli May Signal Imminent Libyan Civil War

"Though Libya has been a disaster ever since Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama teamed up with NATO to facilitate regime change in 2011, the last two years have been relatively calm. That calm ended as combatants fired small arms, heavy machine guns, mortars and other heavy weapons. Explosions occurred in various sectors of Tripoli -- the country's capital -- and smoke drifted across the skyline.  
Two groups are contending for rule over Libya : The Government of National Unity (GNU), which is led by Abdulhamid al-Dbeibah, and a rival group led by Fathi Bashagha, the former interior minister. Bashagha has the support of Libya 's eastern parliament, which is based in Tobruk. In essence, this is a battle of two rival prime ministers and two rival governments...... fighting broke out when a convoy of Bashagha-backing militia was challenged by GNU forces. ... militia forces seemed to be closing in on the city from three directions. A witness says one of the convoys was 300 vehicles strong, but had turned back toward its Misrata base.........In Tripoli, the house of the commander of the an-Nawasi group, Mustafa Kaddoura, who supports Fathi Bashagha, was blown up. " ZH