Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Pentagon Confirms US Boots Are On The Ground In Ukraine

"Two bombshell reports by the Associated Press and Washington Post Monday and Tuesday have confirmed that the United States has boots on the ground in the Ukraine conflict. Crucially, these troops are performing tasks separate from mere embassy security. ....... this is the start of perhaps inevitable 'mission creep' - as has been seen in other conflict zones (such as Syria). If US troops are doing inspections of Ukrainian arms and ammo, and presumably Russia is currently targeting any and all Ukrainian military bases, this puts American troops and assets in Russia's crosshairs, greatly increasing the possibility that the US and Russia could stumble into a direct shooting war." ZH

Anti-Russian Alliance Fractures After Japan Decides To Stay In Russia's Sakhalin-1 Energy Project

"Japanese government decided to officially screw the sanctions, and remain involved in the
(formerly Exxon-led) Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project in Russia, as it seeks a stable supply of energy (who doesn't) despite international sanctions on Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine." ZH