Monday, August 22, 2022

Russian FSB Identifies Alleged Dugina Assassin

"The Russian Federal Security Service ("FSB") has claimed that the assassination of Dugina
was committed by a covert operative of Ukraine. The FSB has identified Natalia Vovk as the alleged assassin. "As a result of a complex of urgent operational-search measures, the Federal Security Service has solved the murder of Russian journalist Darya Dugina, born in 1992," the FSB announced, going on to emphasize the culpibility of the Ukrainian government by stating that "the crime was prepared and committed by the Ukrainian special services[.]"
According to the FSB's investigation, Vovk entered Russia in July before situating herself in the same apartment building that Dugina resided in. Vovk would then follow Dugina to the festival in which the explosive device that led to her death was planted. Vovk, who was accompanied by her 12-year old daughter, fled to Estonia following the assassination, according to Russian intelligence. Following her identification, Russian law enforcement agencies declared their intent to seek her extradition." ZeroHedge

Zelensky warns against putting neo-Nazis on trial

"There will be no more peace talks with Russia if captured Ukrainian Neo-Nazis are subjected
to a “show trial,” the country's President Vladimir Zelensky has claimed.
The authorities of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have previously said that they are planning tribunals for suspected war crimes committed by Ukrainian troops, including members of the Azov Battalion, whose ranks include fighters with openly neo-Nazi views." RT