Saturday, June 11, 2022

Biden Throws Zelensky Under The Bus: Ukraine Leader 'Brushed Off' Invasion Warnings

 "Biden on Friday told a donors conference in Los Angeles, California on the sidelines of the
Summit of the Americas that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky brushed aside US warnings saying a Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent. He described the situation ahead of the Feb.24 invasion and his communications with Zelensky, according to The Associated Press:
"Nothing like this has happened since World War II. I know a lot of people thought I was maybe exaggerating," Biden said, according to the outlet. He added the US had data that showed Russian President Vladimir Putin was going to invade.
"There was no doubt," Biden continued. "And Zelenskyy didn't want to hear it." ZH

Ukraine, UK Condemn ‘Sham Trial’ of Britons Sentenced to Death by Firing Squad

"The Ukrainian foreign minister says he and Britain’s defense secretary have discussed the
plight of the three foreign fighters sentenced to death by pro-Russian separatists.
Dmytro Kuleba wrote on Twitter that he and Liz Truss “strongly condemned the sham trial against prisoners of war in Russian-occupied Donetsk” during a telephone conversation Friday."  Breitbart

Explosion Heard in Central Donetsk Near DPR Head's Office

"An explosion has occurred in the center of Donetsk near the office of the head of the DPR
Denis Pushilin, a Sputnik correspondent reported.
A video has emerged online showing plumes of smoke rising above the scene where the incident took place. According to eyewitnesses, two shells exploded in the city, with one hitting the top floor of a residential building. Donetsk has been repeatedly shelled by Ukrainian troops, including with the use of howitzers supplied by Western countries." Sputnik

Now A Ship-Jam In The North Sea

"Tankers and cargo ships are currently jammed in front of the European ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp, as Statista's Martin Armstrong shows in the infographic below, based on a snapshot from FleetMon, an online tracking portal for ships. Further north off the mouth of the Elbe, a number of cargo ships are also moored and waiting to be allowed to enter the port.
This map illustrates how the global economy is once again suffering from delays in container shipping..... almost two percent of global cargo capacity is currently stuck in the North Sea off the ports of Germany, Holland and Belgium. According to the IfW, the affected ships can neither be loaded nor unloaded." ZH