Monday, January 16, 2023

Ukrainian marines kill group of Russian invaders in Donetsk Oblast

"A unit of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade of Ukraine's Armed Forces has helped a group of
Russian invaders to "carry out goodwill gesture" [Russian propaganda uses this as an euphemism for ‘retreated’ or ‘was destroyed/killed’ – ed.]." Pravada

Number of Drones Shot Down in Russia's Sevastopol Increased

"The number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) taken down off the coast of the Russian city
of Sevastopol in Crimea in the past 24 hours has risen to 10, Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev said on Monday.
"The result of today's enemy attack on Sevastopol: the air defense and the Black Sea Fleet shot down 10 out of 10 Ukrainian drones at sea. No facilities in the city were damaged. Everything is calm in the city," Razvozhayev said." Sputnik

German Defense Minister Resigns As Criticism Over Ukraine Mounts

"Germany's Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht has stepped down on Monday after what's widely reported as a series of blunders and PR disasters, and amid accusations she's been too slow and inept in providing Ukraine defense aid." ZH

Norway Replaces Russia As Germany's Top Gas Supplier

"Norway became Germany’s single-largest natural gas supplier in 2022, overtaking Russia, as total German gas imports dropped by 12.3% compared to 2021." ZeroHedge