Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Barrage Of Cruise Missiles Rock Western Ukraine, Plunging Lviv Into Darkness

"Ukrainian city of Lviv said they heard several large blasts in the evening hours. It has since
emerged that railway power substations are coming under attack, after the Kremlin last week indicated its military would ramp up efforts to thwart Western arms deliveries into Ukraine.
Ukrainian Railways has announced Tuesday night that a number of trains are delayed after the blasts. "In particular, trains have been detained at the entrance to Lviv, information is being updated," a statement from the rail authority quoted by CNN said. The attacks, which are being called the biggest cruise missile strikes on Lviv and perhaps across Ukraine since the war's start, have knocked out power and internet to parts of the city. Vital power and train stations have also been hit in other key areas of the country Tuesday night (local time)." ZH

Hunter Had Meetings With Russian Oligarch Close to Putin and Sanctioned by UK, Australia (but Not Biden)

"Hunter had multiple meetings and business dealings with a Russian oligarch who was close to Vladimir Putin: Vladimir Yevtushenkov. Hunter and his partners were trying to court Yevtushenkov to invest in their real estate company in 2012 and 2013. Hunter met with him in Moscow for dinner at his company Sistema on February 16, 2012. Journalist Vicky Ward allegedly has further calendar entries from Sistema that indicate Yetushenkov thereafter met with Hunter Biden in New York on March 14 at the Ritz-Carlton and then had another breakfast with Rosemont Realty on March 15 in Texas.
Hunter Biden’s partner, Devon Archer, said in emails that they had more meetings with Yevtushenkov.
Yevtushenkov owns a company that allegedly provides drones that are being used to bomb Ukraine and used to own a Russian defense contractor. On top of that, Yevtushenkov has now been sanctioned by the U.K and Australia. But he hasn’t been sanctioned by the Biden Administration." RS

Probes launched into 75 foreign ‘mercenaries’ in Ukraine

"Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched at least 75 criminal probes into foreign  “mercenaries” fighting against Russian forces in Ukraine, the committee’s chairman, Alexander Bastrykin, told RT. He claimed that among the individuals are British, American, Norwegian, Canadian, and Georgian nationals.
In an interview published on Tuesday, Bastrykin said the Russian authorities had collected extensive evidence implicating these foreign fighters, and some have been captured by Russian troops, he added." RT

Firefights Break Out As Azov Fighters Briefly Emerge From Steel Plant

"Fierce fighting broke out Tuesday in the largely Russian-controlled southeast city of
Mariupol, where for nearly two months some 2,000 Ukrainian Azov fighters and up to hundreds of civilians have been holed up in the gigantic and cavernous Azovstal steel plant, completely surrounded by Russian forces.
After repeatedly demanding the Azov militants lay down their arms and come out, it's believed to be only a matter of time before a final battle, given those trapped inside and underground are said to be running low on food and water, and also crucial ammo. An commander with the neo-Nazi Azov regiment told CNN, "Since the morning, the enemy has been trying to assault the Azovstal plant with significant forces using armored vehicles. Our soldiers bravely repel all attacks" - and confirmed that Azovstal "is now being assaulted." ZH

Russian troops killing civilians in Central African Republic

"Human Rights Watch on Tuesday said there was "compelling evidence" that Russian
paramilitary troops were committing serious rights abuses and killing civilians in the Central African Republic. fighting resumed abruptly when rebels launched an offensive to overthrow President Faustin Archange Touadera.
After the president called on Moscow for help, hundreds of Russian paramilitary forces helped push back the rebels, who still hold sway over swathes of the country.
The private military contractors are often described as belonging to the "Wagner group" - a Russian entity with no known legal status. Russian, appear to have summarily executed, tortured, and beaten civilians since 2019, Human Rights Watch said." France24