Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Ukrainian fighters strike two Russian radar stations in Kursk Oblast

"Ukrainian fighters have successfully targeted two sophisticated radar stations operated by occupiers near the city of Dmitriev in Russia’s Kursk Oblast..... The fighters attacked the 55Zh6 Nebo radar station and, presumably, the Gamma-S1E." NV

In First, US Deployed AC-130 Gunship To Attack Pro-Iran Militants In Iraq

"The US deployed an AC-130 gunship over Iraqi territory in response to fresh attacks by Iranian-backed militia fighters who attacked an air base west of Baghdad housing US troops......Already the Pentagon had said at least 60 personnel had suffered minor injuries or in some cases 'traumatic brain injury' in dozens of attacks going back to mid-October.
Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh confirmed in a Tuesday press briefing, "The United States responded using an AC-130 aircraft already in the air and it hit an Iranian-backed militia vehicle and a number of personnel involved in the attack."
She described that the AC-130 was able to track the point of origin for the attack in real-time, resulting in firing back on the militants' positions." ZeroHedge

Albania: Opposition Starts Fire in Parliament During Anti-Government Protest

"Albanian members of parliament (MP) from the opposition party created blockades, detonated smoke bombs, and started a small fire during a legislative session on Monday in a failed attempt to block a vote on the government budget for 2024. Albania’s current prime minister, Edi Rama, hails from the Socialist Party. The leader of the opposition Democratic Party is 79-year-old Sali Berisha, Albania’s first president after the fall of the Soviet Union and prime minister from 2005 to 2013. Berisha told reporters after the melee in parliament that his party had to resort to smoke bombs and chair barricades because the Socialists had effectively silenced the opposition and frozen them out of power." Breitbart

North Korea fires missile with Japan residents urgently warned to take cover

"North Korea has fired a missile with Japanese residents told to take cover and evacuate buildings after an emergency warning was issued.
Japan has told Okinawa residents to evacuate following a missile coming from North Korea in the direction of Okinawa. A civil protection service shared an alert on Twitter, saying: "Missile launch. Missile launch. It appears that the missile was launched from North Korea. Please evacuate inside the building or underground. [Target area] Okinawa Prefecture." MS

NBC Journalist Arrested by Israeli Police for Cheering on Hamas during Horrific Terror Attack

"NBC Reporter’s Arrest by Israel Shows How Pervasive Pro-Hamas Support Can Be in Western Media.....An East Jerusalem–based NBC journalist was arrested last week on suspicion of inciting terrorism and identifying with a terrorist organization in connection with several social-media posts she published on October 7, during the Hamas terror attacks.
Marwat Al-Azza, a freelance producer who started working with the network shortly before the war began, wrote in response to the kidnapping of an elderly woman, “It’s killing me, it’s a black comedy, the old woman looks happy, a bit of action before she dies,” Haaretz reported. NBC told the New York Post it has cut ties with Al-Azza. National Review has reached out to the network for comment." NationalReview

Two of Putin’s senior chiefs fighting for life after car bombing assassination attempt

"Two of Vladimir Putin’s senior security officials have suffered serious injuries after a car bombing. Deputy interior minister Lt-Col Oleg Shumilov and criminal investigations chief Lt-Col Vladimir Pakholenko are both fighting for their lives following the blast. The incident happened in the Ukrainian city of Luhansk, which is under Russian occupation." MS

Explosions rock Khmelnytskyi

"Explosions have been heard in Khmelnytskyi Oblast on the night of 20-21 November, and the authorities have reported that Ukranian air defense forces were responding." Pravada

Zelensky rejects Peace Talks

"In a defiant interview with the British tabloid "The Sun," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ruled out the possibility of peace talks with Russia, despite the ongoing challenges faced by Ukrainian forces on the battlefield.
"Is it difficult at the front? Yes. But, be a friend or sit down at the negotiating table with Russia? No," he stated emphatically. Zelensky's stance reflects a deep-seated belief that Russia is not genuinely interested in pursuing peace." MS

Putin Ally Thanked for 'Tip' Exposing Russian Troops' Positions

"A Ukrainian journalist has thanked an ally of President Vladimir Putin for a "tip" that may have accidentally exposed the location of Russian troops in eastern Ukraine.
In a post on Telegram that now appears to be deleted, an adviser to the governor of Russia's Oryol region, Sergei Lezhnev, published photos and videos on November 14 of a location where "humanitarian aid" was being unloaded in the city of Kreminna, in the partially occupied Ukrainian region of Luhansk. The next day, the area was reportedly attacked by Ukraine's Armed Forces. There were no injuries. "Thank you for the tip, Sergey Lezhnev," wrote Ukrainian journalist Alexey Artyukh on Telegram, thanking Lezhnev for his posts, which can be seen in screenshots.
Lezhnev also came under fire for his posts, with some accusing the adviser to the regional governor of "disclosing the location" of the Russian Armed Forces and allegedly provoking Ukraine's forces to attack the area, daily newspaper Kommersant reported. The publication noted that Lezhnev publishes photo and video reports on the delivery of goods on his channel almost daily." Newsweek