Friday, October 20, 2023

Spain intercepts Russian vessels near its territorial waters

Russian submarine and tugboat were detected near the territorial waters of Spain. They were escorted until they left the area of the Balearic Islands....." AP

Biden administration admits it doxxed US special forces soldiers in Israel, apologizes

"Biden administration admitted that should not have posted a picture showing the faces of
members of an elite
U.S. Army Special Forces unit on assignment in Israel when it posted a photo of them in uniform shaking hands with the president.
Apologizing for the mishap, a White House spokesperson told Fox News, "As soon as this was brought to our attention, we immediately deleted the photo. We regret the error and any issues this may have caused." FOX

Homeland Security Immigration Officer On Leave After "F**k Israel" Post

"New York Post reports Homeland Security Officer on Leave After it was Revealed She
Worked for
PLO and Wrote ‘F–k Israel’ Post......She has posted extremist rhetoric continuously to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for years — rhetoric that intensified this month as Palestinian terrorists murdered over 1,000 Jews on October 7 and Ali cheered. “F*** Israel, the government, and its military. Are you ready for your downfall?” she wrote on Instagram after the attacks. USCIS declined to say why it would hire someone who previously worked for a foreign quasi-government that was expelled from the United States and put them in position to determine who was allowed to come into the country. "ZH

Missile reported over Sevastopol, Russians use camouflage smoke

"An air-raid warning was issued in the city of Sevastopol.....Russians used a smoke screen in
Sevastopol Bay."

Two U.S. hostages released by Hamas

"Two U.S. hostages have been released by Hamas, a diplomat confirmed to "Face the Nation"
moderator Margaret Brennan. The hostages are a mother and a daughter.
Additional details about the release weren't immediately available. According to a diplomat familiar with the situation, the pair are with the Red Cross, Brennan reported." CBS

China’s Military is Making Risky Moves and Adding Nuclear Warheads

is continuing to build up its strategic
nuclear arsenal and had most likely amassed 500
nuclear warheads as of May." AP

North Korea's Ominous Threat: Possible Preventive Nuclear Strike Against the USA

"North Korea's recent warning to the United States has sent shockwaves through international
relations, raising concerns about the prospect of a preventive nuclear strike. The
North Korean state news agency, KCNA, issued a statement today, accusing the U.S.
of initiating a potential nuclear conflict by deploying strategic weapons in the Korean Peninsula. These actions are seen as deliberate provocations aimed at triggering a nuclear war, according to KCNA. The U.S. has been vocal about its intentions to strengthen its position on the Korean Peninsula, but North Korea remains resolute in preventing any such efforts from coming to fruition... Tensions have reached a critical point as the U.S. recently made the decision to deploy the B-52 nuclear strategic bomber and the fifth-generation F-22 Raptor stealth fighter to the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, a move that has further escalated the situation." FB

Russia Unveils Virtually Invisible Fighter Jet

"Russia has a new secret weapon that could present major problems for Ukraine if it's
equipped in the war.

Vladimir Putin's
military reportedly has a new "invisible" fighter jet among its ranks that local media is saying has "super maneuverability," reported. While the Russians have yet to use the jet in combat, it was spotted a little more than 300 miles from the Ukraine border." FPD

Greta Thunberg's Pro-Palestine Message

"Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg is drawing new attention for her apparent support
for Palestinians in
Gaza amid calls for a ceasefire.
Thunberg, 20, posted a photo on Friday to her 14.6 million Instagram followers showing her and three allies holding signs in favor of Palestinians in Gaza, including "I stand with Gaza" and "This Jew stands with Palestine." Another sign reads, "Climate justice now!" "Today we are striking in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza," Thunberg wrote in a caption for the image." Newsweek

Russia arrested Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva

"Russia arrested Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva for failing to register as a
foreign agent” after she travelled to the country for a family emergency. Kurmasheva works for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. The
US State Department said the detention looked like harassment." AlJazeera

Russia scrambled two Su-27 fighter jets to prevent three British military planes

Russia’s defense ministry said it scrambled two Su-27 fighter jets to prevent three United Kingdom military planes – a reconnaissance plane accompanied by two fighters – as they approached Russian airspace over the Black Sea." AlJazeera

Avdiivka (Bakmut) Again

"General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s armed forces, said troops faced
a renewed
Russian onslaught in the eastern city of Avdiivka. “The enemy is not relenting in attempts to break through our defenses and surround [Avdiivka],” Zaluzhniy wrote on Telegram. He said the Russians were bringing in assault units and large amounts of armored equipment as well as deploying aircraft and artillery. Russian accounts of the fighting said its forces had destroyed a command point near Avdiivka and repelled 11 Ukrainian attacks near Kupiansk." AlJAzeera

Norway Joins List of Nations Ready to Pay Ukrainian Refugees to Go Home

"Oslo has introduced a scheme designed to get some of the roughly 51,000+ Ukrainian
refugees living in Norway to go home, offering cash payments of nearly €1,500 to Ukrainian nationals willing to leave the Kingdom.
Norway is the latest country in Europe to offer Ukrainian nationals a cash incentive to leave, with Swiss media reporting on a similar scheme by the government earlier this month, and Ireland’s authorities exploring the use of social welfare funds to “encourageUkrainians to go home earlier this year." Sputnik

Russia is closely monitoring US nuclear test in Nevada, Putin’s spokesperson says

"Russian state run media is reporting that the Kremlin is closely monitoring a high-explosive
experiment that the
U.S. carried out this week at a nuclear test site in Nevada.
The test used chemicals and radioisotopes to "validate new predictive explosion models" that can help detect atomic blasts in other countries, Bloomberg reported, citing the Department of Energy." AP

Chinese firm to build major oil refinery in Angola

Angola is due to sign a contract with China National Chemical Engineering Co. (CNCEC) to build a long-delayed oil processing plant in the municipality of Lobito. China’s CNCEC will build and finance the Lobito refinery which should become one of the most significant infrastructure projects in Angola’s energy sector." RT

State Dept. Official Josh Paul Resigns Over Arms to Israel

"State Department official in the bureau that oversees arms transfers resigned this week in
protest of the
Biden administration’s decision to continue sending weapons and ammunition to Israel as it lays siege to Gaza in its war with Hamas.
In his resignation letter, Josh Paul, who has been the director of congressional and public affairs for the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs for over 11 years, said the Biden administration’s “blind support for one side” was leading to policy decisions that were “shortsighted, destructive, unjust and contradictory to the very values we publicly espouse.” AP

Storm Babet

"Storm Babet is currently causing major disruption across the UK with yellow, amber and red
weather warnings in place.

Flights have been cancelled and delayed across the country due to the extreme weather, with a plane grounded at Leeds Bradford airport after it skidded off the runway while landing. The Met Office said: ‘Prolonged and very heavy rain is expected to develop across parts of Angus and Aberdeenshire area throughout Saturday, in areas already affected by severe flooding." Rescue operations are under way in the town of Brechin, Angus, after flood defenses were breached and hundreds of homes were left surrounded by water." Metro

Putin's feared 'meteorite' missile is seen readied for combat

"The new video appears to show Vladimir Putin’s most deadly and feared ‘meteorite’
hypersonic strategic missile being readied for combat.

The Russian president has claimed the Avangard strikes ‘like a meteorite’ and is unstoppable by any defense system.
The weapon, which travels at 27 times the speed of sound, is fired outside the earth’s atmosphere before hitting any target in the world in less than 30 minutes." MS

Croatia hands over entire Mi-8 helicopter inventory to Ukraine

“We appreciate Croatia's steadfast commitment to help Ukraine, and we can see that in your
numerous military equipment donations, including all of your Mi-8 helicopters and the forward deployment of your forces to
NATO battle groups in Poland, Lithuania, and Hungary
,” Austin said." MS

Biden Uses Dead Jews to Pitch More Ukraine Funding-- Potus Shills for Military-Industrial Complex from Oval Office-- Meanwhile: Americans Still Hostage

"Biden gave a rare Oval Office address Thursday night that began with a clear condemnation
Hamas terror, but quickly shifted focus to cynical politicking and narrative setting, even while Americans are still being held hostage. He tried to connected Israel and Ukraine in order to suggest to Americans that if you support Israel’s war for its own survival, you must also support limitless taxpayer resources being sent to Ukraine – after those funds make a pit stop in the bank accounts of U.S. defense contractors, of course.
He ended up saying nothing newsworthy about Israel or Hamas, yet he revived the Ukraine funding discussion.
Yes, duplicitous Joe used dead Jews as an excuse to give a speech about Ukraine funding — from the Oval Office, no less. Joe wants his Ukraine agenda to continue to get funding. His base really likes sending stuff to Ukraine. And he needs his base happy if he wants to get reelected.
His ultimate goal appears to be to tie funding for Israel to funding for Ukraine in subsequent spending packages....a supplemental spending request to Congress that will include:
$14 billion for Israel
$60 billion for Ukraine
$10 billion for humanitarian aid
$7 billion for Indo-Pacific." Breitbart

Big blow for Zelensky: Germany tells Ukraine 'It's a no'

"Germany has officially communicated to Ukraine that it will not be supplying Taurus long-
range missiles to the country for the time being.
This announcement was made by Germany's Ambassador to Ukraine, Martin Jaeger.
Jaeger emphasized that the decision was unequivocal. The reluctance to supply Taurus missiles, which have a range of up to 500 kilometers, stems from concerns that they could be used within Russia's territory." AP