Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Contempt For Press Freedoms: US Officials Bar Tucker Carlson From Interviewing Putin

"Tucker Carlson reports that the U.S. government prevented him from interviewing Russian
President Vladimir Putin. Carlson told the Swiss magazine Die Weltwoche that he had sought to arrange an interview with Putin, but U.S. officials blocked him.
Such obstructionism reflects a growing contempt on the part of officials in the United States and other supposedly liberal democratic countries for freedom of the press. It is merely the latest episode in a lengthening parade of restrictions, ranging from petty to truly alarming. The highest priority targets are critics who dare condemn or even dispute the accounts that Western leaders put forth regarding key foreign policy objectives." ZH

Russia puts power unit 4 of Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant on hot shutdown, increasing likelihood of accident

"Quote from Energoatom: "Russian invaders have brought power unit No. 4 out of the cold
shutdown state to the hot shutdown state at the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP. But the power unit No. 6, according to the IAEA, is being taken out of the hot state to the cold one.
" MS

Missile Mystery Solved! Officials Reveal Shocking Origin of Strike on Poland

"Last year, a missile from the war in
Ukraine entered the border of Poland, with Ukraine officials claiming the missile was Russian and the Kremlin denies any involvement. The true origin of the missile has now been identified, potentially preventing a world war.
Rzeczpospolita reported, “This rocket has a range of 75 km to 90 km [46 to 55 miles],” citing an insider source who highlighted, “At that time, the Russian positions were in a place from which no Russian missile could reach Przewodow.” Despite mounting evidence, Ukraine denied any involvement, asserting that none of its missiles had strayed into the neighboring NATO country." MS

Vladimir Putin gears Russia up for WW3 with Nuclear Attack Drills

"Vladimir Putin appears to be preparing his country for "'armed conflicts involving nuclear
" as he orders nationwide nuclear drills across the country.... sirens have been heard across Russia for two days.
TV broadcasts were also interrupted by the message: "Attention, everyone! There is a check of readiness of the warning system to the population. Please remain calm!"
As part of the drills, children were reportedly shown how to put gas masks on while some officials were sent to bunkers.
The document outlining Russia's civil nuclear defense drill continues: "The risk of armed conflicts escalating into local and regional wars, including those involving nuclear powers, is increasing." DailyExpress

"I'm here until Berlin": Russia's war video sends chilling message

"Russia has launched a new advertising campaign for its war of aggression against Ukraine,
which Moscow refers to as a "military special operation.".....
Russia has posted another ad for its 'special military operation,' stating that Russian soldiers will receive free land in Odessa after capturing it.
The actor says, 'I'm here until victory, until Berlin, just as my grandpa told me.'" MS

Leaked US strategy document shows Biden admin worried about corruption in Ukraine: Report

"According to a report in POLITICO, Biden administration officials are more worried about
corruption in
Ukraine than they are willing to admit publicly. A “sensitive but unclassifiedUS strategy document lays down the steps Washington is taking to help Kyiv but also notes that corruption could case Western allies to abandon Ukraine’s fight against Russia." HindustanTimes