Saturday, July 30, 2022

Gazprom Cuts Off All Gas Supplies to Latvia For Non-Payment in Rubles

"Gazprom announced on Saturday that it has terminated gas supplies to Latvia due to violations of the conditions of gas withdrawal." SP

China Launches Live-Fire Drills Off Taiwan With US Carrier Group Nearby, As Pelosi's Plane En Route To Asia

 "Pentagon wants House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to cancel her visit to Taiwan - but now pending
her possible arrival in Taipei the US military has moved a Navy strike group into the South China Sea led by the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier.
The USS Reagan left a port call in Singapore and is now patrolling waters near China, with Beijing flexing its own military muscle by launching fresh naval exercises near the self-ruled island - video purporting to show large US warplane formation flyovers of the South China sea, with destroyers....It's expected that if she goes through with the Taiwan visit, Pelosi would at some point in Asia board a military transport plane - likely with US fighter jet escort. This possibility is what has infuriated Beijing. China's PLA Navy is holding "live-fire" exercises in waters off Taiwan." ZH