Friday, April 15, 2022

Moscow Warns US In Diplomatic Letter: Arming Ukraine To Result In "Unpredictable Consequences"

"Russia sent a formal diplomatic note to the US this week calling on Washington and NATO to
stop arming Ukraine. The note, which was obtained by The Washington Post, said the Western campaign to pour weapons into Ukraine was adding fuel” to the conflict and could lead to “unpredictable consequences.”
The diplomatic note was sent Tuesday, when news broke of a new massive US military aid package for Ukraine. President Biden announced the new aid on Wednesday, which is worth $800 million and includes howitzers for the first time. The package also includes helicopters, armed Switchblade drones, coastal defense drones, armored vehicles, radar systems, and thousands of Stinger and Javelin missiles." ZeroHedge

Russian Long-Range Bombers Strike Ukraine For 1st Time In War

"For the first time since the Feb.24 invasion, it's being widely reported that the Russian
military has struck Ukrainian targets using long-range bombers. Ukrainian defense ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk said Friday that bombs were dropped by Tu-22M3 aircraft over positions in the port city of Mariupol." ZeroHedge


"Russia’s Black Sea flagship which sank yesterday after an explosion on board may have been carrying nuclear warheads, analysts and experts have warned today, as a Russian politician said more than 400 sailors could have gone down with the ship. The Moskva, a Soviet-era guided missile cruiser, sank near the port of Sevastopol on Thursday after Ukraine said it hit the ship with two cruise missiles." PP

Beijing Carries Out Military Drills Over Taiwan As US Lawmakers Meet With President Tsai

"The cadre of American lawmakers who are currently visiting Taiwan will have the
opportunity to witness something that has become a common spectacle for the Taiwanese: CCP jets and bombers cruising overhead.
The bipartisan group of 6 US lawmakers (including members of the House and Senate) flew to Taiwan on Thursday in defiance of China's threats. The group includes: Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Richard Burr of North Carolina, and Rob Portman of Ohio, Republican Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson, and Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez." ZEROHEDGE

Putin speaks to France's Macron: Putin vows to take all of Ukraine

"Putin spoke to French President Macron. Macros said that the worst is yet to come as Putin
wants to take all of Ukraine." WION


Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet flagship, has sunk

"Russian defence ministry confirmed late on Thursday that country's guided-missile cruiser
Moskva had sunk in the Black Sea after getting damaged during a military operation against Ukraine.
Ukraine had claimed it struck the flagship with missiles but Russian authorities attributed the sinking to ammunition explosions.
"While being towed ... towards the destination port, the vessel lost its balance due to damage sustained in the hull as fire broke out after ammunition exploded. Given the choppy seas, the vessel sank," the state news agency TASS quoted the Russian defence ministry as saying. It said the crew was evacuated." WION

Ukraine War Revives Supply Chain Crisis

 "The war in Ukraine is making clear that large parts of the world depend on Russia, Ukraine
and Belarus for basic necessities such as food, energy and other commodities. 
Trade with Russia, Belarus and Ukraine (referred to as the warzone in the remainder of this piece) has come close to a halt due to a wide range of sanctions, self-sanctioning (mainly by western companies), and strongly disrupted production and transport in Ukraine." ZH