Saturday, December 2, 2023

Russians attack Ukraine with Shahed drones again

"Russians are attacking Ukraine from the south with Shahed attack drones... Ukrainian Air Force reported on "the movement of Shahed UAVs from Kherson Oblast towards Mykolaiv Oblast". Pravada

South Korea Puts First Spy Satellite in Orbit Following North’s Launch

"The South Korean Defense Ministry is preparing to place its first reconnaissance satellite in Earth's orbit. The launch comes just days after the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), their rivals to the north, launched their own spy satellite." sp

Tsunami Warning Issued After USGS Records Massive Earthquake on Pacific Floor

"A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.6 struck Saturday off the southern Philippine coast, prompting many villagers to flee their homes in panic around midnight after Philippine authorities issued a tsunami warning.
The quake struck at 10:37 p.m. at a depth of 20 miles, according to the U.S. Geological Survey." WJ

Eiffel Tower, Paris Attack Victims: German-Filipino Tourist Killed, British Man Stabbed By Suspect

"A stabbing incident near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France resulted in the death of a tourist
and another person was injured. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin tweeted that the attacker has been arrested.

According to Metro, the person who died in the stabbing was a tourist with dual German and Filipino nationality. The second victim was a British man who was out walking with his wife and child when he was attacked from behind. The attack tool place by the Bir Hakeim bridge, which runs across the Seine River and is very close to the Eiffel Tower. A knife and hammer were used by the suspect. After his arres expressed anguish about Muslims being killed in Palestine and claimed that France was an accomplice, Mr Darmanin said." MS

Russian soldiers meet tragic end after being served tainted food & vodka

"Two seemingly kindhearted women in Crimea greeted Russian soldiers with food and vodka. The unsuspecting soldiers accepted their generous offer with delight. Unbeknownst to them, the women had laced their food with arsenic. The fatal meal has resulted in 24 dead soldiers, and the women have since vanished without a trace." essanews

Israeli AI 'Assassination Factory' Plays Central Role In Gaza War

"Tel Aviv has been relying on an AI Program dubbed "the Gospel" to select targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. In past operations in Gaza, the IDF ran out of targets to strike in the besieged enclave.
A statement on the IDF website says the Israeli military is using the Gospel to "produce targets at a fast pace." It continues, "Through the rapid and automatic extraction of intelligence," the Gospel produced targeting recommendations for its researchers "with the goal of a complete match between the recommendation of the machine and the identification carried out by a person." Thursday, the Israeli outlet +972 Magazine reported Tel Aviv was using AI to pick targets in Gaza. A former Israeli official told the +972 that the Gospel was being used as a “mass assassination factory.” The program is selecting the home of suspected low-level Hamas members for destruction." ZH

Russia’s New Exploding Drone Piggybacks On Ukraine’s 4G Cellular Network

"Russia is installing 4G modems and Ukrainian SIM cards in explosives-laden Shahed drones, potentially allowing them to piggyback on civilian cellular networks—and possibly making them smarter and more dangerous." Forbes

Ukrainian Drones Target Russian Troops When They’re Most Vulnerable: While Using The Bathroom

"More and more Russians are getting blown up by Ukrainian drones while using the latrine outside their positions along the front line of Russia’s 22-month wider war on Ukraine.
These opportunistic drone-strikes aren’t new: for nearly two years now, Ukrainian operators regularly have posted recordings of their drones’ live video feeds depicting strikes on Russian soldiers squatting over holes with their pants around their ankles." Forbes

North Korea threatens war declaration

"North Korea has announced that any interference with its satellite operations will be considered an act of war, provoking the "mobilization of its deterrent potential". As reported by the official KCNA agency, this would result in the "elimination of the survival capability" of U.S. spy satellites." MS

Russia brings new charges against jailed Kremlin foe Alexei Navalny

"Imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been handed new charges by prosecutors.
The 47-year-old is already serving more than 30 years in prison after being found guilty of crimes including extremism — charges that his supporters say are politically motivated.
In comments passed to his associates, he said he had been charged under article 214 of Russia’s penal code, which covers crimes of vandalism." MS