Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Record heatwave threatens EU food security

"A record heatwave in some of Europe’s key farming regions has put this year’s corn harvest at risk, Bloomberg reported.
Corn crops are in the midst of flowering and adverse weather can lower the number of kernels that ultimately fill with grain. Temperatures in some areas of Europe have reached as high as 47 degrees Celsius, with Spain, France, Greece and Portugal particularly affected.
The EU normally imports large volumes of corn, which is mainly used as animal feed, from Ukraine, but this year the shipments have been constrained by the conflict. According to Bloomberg, this has driven up prices, with Paris corn futures up 11% in July and trading at a record for the time of year. Sunflower and soybean fields are also at risk from the hot, dry conditions, the publication adds.
Europe’s wheat harvest has also been affected by the unusually hot weather. Last week France, the EU’s top wheat exporter, said its soft-wheat output will drop by about 7% this year, to below the five-year average.
This comes amid reduced supplies of wheat and other grains from major producers Russia and Ukraine, amid the ongoing conflict between the countries. Other leading exporters, such as India and Kazakhstan, have restricted or banned their grain exports, citing domestic food security. The developments have triggered warnings of a possible global food crisis." RT

Russia starts building Egypt’s first nuclear power plant

"Russian state-owned Rosatom has begun construction on the El Dabaa nuclear power plant
The construction is financed jointly by Moscow and Cairo, with the Russian government providing 85% of the $30 billion cost in the form of a state loan. The rest will be funded by Egypt with financial backing from private investors." RT

Ukraine’s first lady Olena Zelenska pleads for more US aid in Congress address

"Ukraine’s first lady beseeched lawmakers Wednesday to ramp up US support for
Ukraine, displaying images of civilian victims of Russian airstrikes and warning that Moscow’s invading forces are “destroying our people.” 
This is Lisa. I met this girl before Christmas,” Olena Zelenska told members of Congress, remembering the youngster as a “cheerful, playful little rascal.”
Lisa was only four years old, she’s no longer with us,” the first lady went on, as brutal pictures of the child after she was killed earlier this month by Russian missile were shown on a screen." NYP

Ukraine Dumping Its Gold Again?

"A mysterious operation that took place under the cover of night that sources claimed at the
time saw Ukraine's gold reserves loaded on an unmarked plane, which reportedly took the gold to the US (for safekeeping?).
In the following few months - after we reported this outbound flow - Ukraine's official (IMF-sourced) holdings of gold collapsed..." ZH