Friday, June 17, 2022

German Official Warns Of Gas Shortages, Bankruptcies, Massive Price Hikes That Will Send "Shockwaves Throughout The Country"

"A gas shortage and high prices will send “shockwaves through the country,” leading to
landlords cutting the heat for tenants and widespread company bankruptcies, warned Klaus Müller, the head of Germany’s Federal Network Agency, which is the regulatory office for electricity, gas, telecommunications, postal services, and railway markets. Müller says he expects gas prices to continue to climb, resulting in increased inflation that goes far beyond energy. He also warns that there will be a dramatic lack of gas in the winter, which could lead to landlords turning down the heat to save on energy. In turn, Germans may have to grapple with colder apartments." ZeroHedge

China ready to supply components for aircraft to Russia

"China is ready to supply components for aircraft to Russian airlines, Chinese Ambassador to Moscow Zhang Hanhui told TASS.
"We are ready to supply components to Russia, we are organizing such cooperation," he said. "[Airlines] are currently addressing [it], they have certain channels, there are no restrictions from the Chinese side," the diplomat added." Tass

European Commission recommends EU 'candidate status' for Ukraine

"The European Commission has recommended that Ukraine be granted European Union
candidate status, its president, Ursula von der Leyen, said during a press conference, a day after the bloc's most powerful leaders visited Kyiv. The humanitarian situation across Ukraine and particularly in the eastern Donbas region is “extremely alarming and continues to deteriorate”, the United Nations said." France24

“We’ve Hurt Ourselves with Our Sanctions”: Tucker Makes Interesting Point about Russian Ruble, American Inflation

"Tucker Carlson.... pointing out that the now gold-backed Russian ruble is stronger than it has been in months in currency markets while the US succumbs to an inflation crisis and experiences a financial meltdown of sorts.
Tucker began that skewering of American monetary and foreign policy by attacking the Secretary of Energy and how America’s incompetent leftist elites have mismanaged energy policy, pushing it away from reliable sources of energy like fossil fuels and nuclear power to unreliable sources of energy like wind and solar, saying:
Now you may be asking yourself, why would you put someone like that, who’s never had a real job and achieved precisely nothing in her life and actually doesn’t know anything about anything, why would you put her in a key position like Secretary of Energy?
“Because she knows the science. As she just told you, sun and wind are the most reliable forms of energy. It’s not like clouds could block the sun or the wind might stop blowing. That’s insane. And don’t think about nuclear power ramping up domestic energy production. That’s what Putin wants you to do.”" TP