Wednesday, July 6, 2022

No decisions made on Kazakhstan joining sanctions on Russia

"There have been no decisions on Kazakhstan joining sanctions against Russia, Kremlin
Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday.
According to him, the two countries maintain regular contact both at the highest level and at the level of governments. "So no such decisions have been made. On the contrary, there have been statements about determination to continue boosting our interaction, jointly respond to challenges coming from overseas and reduce the consequences of these unfriendly actions. This is what we are guided by," the Russian presidential spokesman noted, when speaking about relations between Moscow and Nur-Sultan.
Peskov added that Kazakhstan "undoubtedly" remained a friendly country for Russia." Tass

Covid in China: A city of 13 million forced to shut down again to avoid 'explosion' of cases

"Some parts of the ancient Chinese city of Xi’an was shut down again to avoid an explosion of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, owing to the highly transmissible Omicron subvariant. The officials said that businesses, schools and restaurants in Xi’an, which is home to 13 million people, will close for one week." WION

Biden Ships U.S. Oil Reserves to Foreign Countries

"Biden is shipping much-needed American oil to foreign countries, including… China.
The whole idea of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), which is owned by the U.S. government, specifically the U.S. Department of Energy, is to hold on to about 700 million barrels of oil in the event of an emergency or disruption." Breitbart

Norway-Russia Tensions Escalate Over Sanctions Impacting Arctic Islands

"The latest point of confrontation between NATO and Russia is the Svalbard archipelago,
located midway between Norway and the North Pole. Moscow claims Oslo is restricting trade with the island's hundreds of Russian residents.
A top member of the Russian legislature is now calling for Moscow to leave its agreement with Oslo that resolved the territorial dispute over the far-northern archipelago." ZeroHedge