Friday, April 22, 2022

Human Rights Activists Call For Indictment of Russian Patriarch Kirill

"Willy Fautré and Patricia Duval are European human rights advocates .... they are accusing
Patriarch Kirill, the spiritual leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, of inciting aggression and crimes against humanity by his outspoken support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and urging his indictment by the International Criminal Court (ICC)." MT

US bans all Russian ships

"Biden announces Russian flagged, owned or operated vessels not welcome in US ports." RT

Austria halts Russian oil imports

"Austria’s energy giant OMV says it has suspended all imports of Russian oil ahead of the possible EU embargo on them.
“The purchase of oil from Russia was always very low ... we replaced it with other oil from the market,” an OMV spokesman said, as quoted by newspaper Kronen Zeitung." RT