Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Libya Flood Toll: More Than 5,000 Dead, 10,000 Missing and a City Destroyed

"As the storm grew more fierce, the two dams, which had protected the city since the 1970s,
began to groan. Then they burst with a furious roar, and Derna was lost.

"Bodies are lying everywhere—in the sea, in the valleys, under the buildings," Hichem Abu Chkiouat, minister of civil aviation in the regional administration that controls eastern Libya, told Reuters."The number of bodies recovered in Derna is more 1,000," he said.
The toll in Derna alone had crossed 1,500 by midday. Across the affected area, officials reported more than 5,000 people dead and at least 10,000 missing.....an unknown number of people were washed away after the Abu Mansur and Derna dams, built to control flooding and soil erosion, failed and sent a wall of water barreling towards the sea—taking entire families and neighborhoods with it." TM

Explosion sounds in Zaporizhzhia after warning of ballistic missiles use

"An explosion sounded in the city of Zaporizhzhia after the local authorities warned citizens that the
Russians could use ballistic weaponry." Pravada