Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Team Navalny Says Relaunching Regional Network to Resist War, Mobilization

"Associates of jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny on Tuesday said they are relaunching his regional political network to fight against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent “partial” mobilization ordered by President Vladimir Putin." MoscowTimes

EU sounds alarm over dangerous infection

"EU nations are experiencing the largest detected epidemic of avian influenza (HPAI), a more dangerous variant of bird flu.........scientists reported “an unprecedentedly high level of HPAI virus detections in wild birds between June and August 2022.” Breeding colonies of seabirds along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean were hit particularly hard, with high mortality rates observed.....The virus reached as far north as the Svalbard islands, as far east as Ukraine and as far south as southern Portugal, according to researchers.....The health agency assessed the risk posed by the virus to the European public as low for the general population and low to medium for people regularly exposed to birds, like farm workers." RT

Bloomberg Hosts Scramble As Top UN Adviser Shreds Ukraine Narrative In Live Interview

"A Monday Bloomberg TV segment on the Ukraine war with an expert who has in the recent past advised three UN Secretaries-General didn't go the way the Bloomberg hosts thought it would. Jeffrey Sachs, who is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, posited the United Stats was likely behind the sabotage attacks on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines when asked about it. 
The top UN adviser said during the live interview, "The main fact is that the European economy is getting hammered by this, by the sudden cut-off of energy. And now to make it definitive - the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, which I would bet was a US action, perhaps US and Poland." Sachs added: "That is speculation" - before being cut-off mid sentence by show host Tom Keene, who looked a bit flabbergasted and frustrated over the perhaps unexpected turn in the interview...
"Uh, Jeff, we've got to stop there," Keene strongly interjected, leaving Sachs perplexed over why he couldn't continue the thought. The show host then questioned, "Why do you feel that was a US action? What evidence do you have of that?"
Sachs responded “Well, first, there is direct radar evidence that US military helicopters that are normally based in Gdansk were circling over this area," noting additionally that "We also had the threat from the US earlier this year that 'one way or another we are going to end Nord Stream'."
The Columbia professor then recalled from just days ago, "We also had a remarkable statement from Secretary Blinken last Friday in a press conference where he said 'this is also a tremendous opportunity'," which Sachs pointed out is "a strange way to talk if you're worried about piracy on international infrastructure of vital significance." ZH

Ukraine shoots down Iranian kamikaze drone near Odesa

"A Shahed-136, the Iranian-made kamikaze drone was shot down near Odesa, the Operational Command Pivden (South) reported." UP

Russians try burning down 5 military enlistment offices

".....in Russia, at least five military enlistment offices have been set on fire, and cases of fires
in administrative buildings have also become more frequent." UP

North Korea fires missile over Japan

 "North Korea has fired a ballistic missile over Japan.... the missile landed in the sea outside
Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone, and went on to accuse North Korea of violating United Nations resolutions with its 20 missile tests so far in 2022 – the largest number since leader Kim Jong-un took power in 2011." RT

Zelensky: Ukraine submits "accelerated" NATO application

 "Zelensky said that Ukraine is making an "accelerated" bid to join NATO." Axios