Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Safer and smarter option? After debacle in Pacific, China now plans to build secret naval base in Cambodia

"After getting snubbed in the Pacific, China now seems to be looking to build a secret naval
base in Cambodia. The construction of this base, which will expand military presence of China in southeast Asia, will begin in a few days. This upcoming base in Cambodia will also increase Chinese military influence near the Malacca Strait. It is a key chokepoint for global trade as it connects Indian and Pacific oceans." WION

As Finland applies for NATO membership, Finnish women sign up for military training

"Amid the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, Finland has applied for NATO membership.
Around 300 Finnish women have signed up for military training." WION

Iranian general threatens to ‘raze to the ground’ Tel Aviv, Haifa

"Commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Forces General Kioumars Heydari said that the
country’s offensive armaments can "raze to the ground" Israeli cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa, the Tasnim news agency reported on Tuesday. "On the orders of [Iran’s] spiritual leader [Ali Khamenei], in case of the adversary’s slightest mistake, we will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground," he said." Tass

NATO Kicks Off Baltic War Games With Finland, Sweden

"The North Atlantic Treaty Organization announced it will launch military drills with 7,000 troops in the Baltics. The provocative war games will include Sweden and Finland. Stockholm is hosting the exercises after applying for NATO membership last month." ZH