Sunday, April 23, 2023

Ukraine’s Air Force eight times strikes Russian positions in past day

"Ukrainian war pilots eight times struck enemy positions along the front lines.
That’s according to a morning update by the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Ukrinform reports.
"An enemy Mi-24 helicopter and four enemy UAVs were shot down (two reconnaissance UAVs, Orlan-10 and Zala, as well as two kamikaze drones of the Lancet type). During the day, rocket and artillery units struck four enemy clusters, two ammunition depots, and two more important military objects," military reports." Ukrin

US, France evacuate embassy personnel amid ongoing fighting in Sudan

"US troops swooped in on helicopters to evacuate embassy staff from Sudan's battle-torn
capital as other nations sought to help their citizens escape deadly fighting between rival generals.
France also launched evacuation operations from the northeast African nation, where fighting has entered its second week.
Ferocious battles between the Sudanese army and a paramilitary group -- which has seen fighter jets launch airstrikes and street fighting with tanks in densely populated Khartoum -- have killed more than 400 people and left thousands wounded." France24

Trump lays out timeline to end Ukraine conflict

"Former US president Donald Trump has promised to put a swift end to the bloodshed in
Ukraine should he be elected again in 2024. The Republican also trashed the incumbent Joe Biden’s foreign policy, claiming it has made the world a more dangerous place.
Trump said: “Before I even arrive at the Oval Office, shortly after we win the presidency, I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled. I’ll get it settled very quickly.
He went on to allege that other countries’ leaders have lost respect for the US under Biden’s leadership because of his allegedly poor handling of America’s foreign policy. To regain it, Trump argued, “you don’t need bullets, you don’t need tanks, you don’t need weapons of any kind, you just need some common sense.RT