Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Canada Accuses Chinese Fighter Jet of Dangerously Close Air Intercept

"Chinese fighter jet was recorded performing aggressive maneuvers while intercepting a
Canadian maritime patrol aircraft in international airspace including shooting off flares and flying within 20 feet of the larger plane.
The plane's crew was conducting a reconnaissance mission as part of
Canada's Operation Neon to enforce United Nations-mandated restrictions on oil shipments to North Korea in response to that country's nuclear weapons program and ballistic missile tests." Newsweek

Chinese fighter jets buzz U.S. planes

"Pentagon released previously nonpublic videos and photos of more than a dozen such
maneuvers over the East and South China seas, reviewed by The Washington Post, in which
Chinese fighter jets harassed unarmed U.S. reconnaissance planes patrolling lawfully in international airspace.
....an American RC-135 was flying above the South China Sea when a Chinese J-11 fighter jet, flashing two missiles on each wing, rapidly closed to about 30 feet and lingered for more than 15 minutes.
....a Chinese fighter sped toward a Navy EP-3 spy plane patrolling in the East China Sea and, according to the Pentagon, crossed under the aircraft’s nose, causing the American pilot to lose visual contact. It then re-approached at 15 feet laterally and, as shown in a video, flew just below the U.S. plane." AP

Taliban Terrorists Attend Political Event in China

"Taliban regime in Afghanistan has sent its Industry and Commerce Minister, Nooruddin
Azizi, to Beijing to attend the Belt and Road Forum.

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a program run by the Chinese Communist Party that offers funding to poor nations for infrastructure projects. The Taliban regime in Afghanistan has welcomed Chinese investment and influence in exchange for its support of China’s ongoing genocide of Muslims in East Turkistan." AP

Arab Leaders Refuse To Meet Biden, Jordan Trip Canceled, Protesters Surround US Embassy In Beirut

"The situation outside the US Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, is deteriorating tonight, with
reports of riot police and tear gas being deployed against large crowds waving
Hezbollah flags.
But more importantly, and just as Air Force One is departing Washington for Israel, the White House has canceled the entire leg of Biden's trip to Jordan. The confirmation was issued within the same hour that Arab leaders announced they were unwilling to meet with Biden, given the US is Israel's biggest funder and supporter. So even before arriving in Israel, the  massacre - which Israel is blaming on Palestinian militants (specifically PIJ)." ZH

Russian Heavy Flamethrower Vaporize Ukrainian Troops

"Russia’s Defense Ministry published footage of the Tosochka heavy flamethrower in combat,
unleashing thermobaric shells on
Ukrainian troops. Thermobaric weaponry uses a two-stage explosion technique. The first blast spreads flammable slurry around the target, while the second ignites it.
The following explosion generates a vacuum in the area, consuming all oxygen, and creates extreme heat up to 3,000 degrees Celsius (compare it to the temperature of the Sun’s surface which is 5,500 Celsius). In other words, the Tosochka and other Russian heavy flamethrowers can incinerate a target so that no one survives." Sputnik

Russia Repels 9 Attacks in Donetsk Direction

"The Russian
forces have repelled nine attacks in the
Donetsk direction in the past 24 hours."

Air defense forces down Russian Kh-59 missile, six Shahed drones

"The Russian occupiers launched another strike on Ukraine at night, using Kh-59 guided
missile, S-300 anti-aircraft missiles and six Shahed-136/131 UAVs. Kh-59 missile and all six drones were destroyed by the air defense forces and means."

Protesters storm Israeli Embassy in Jordan

"Protesters have stormed the Israeli Embassy in Jordan as violence breaks out throughout the
Middle East.
Footage circulating on social media from Shehab Agency, a Palestinian news outlet, shows demonstrators sieging the building.
Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal called for protests in front of Israeli embassies across the world after Israel's attack on a Gaza hospital that killed hundreds of Palestinians, a statement by the Hamas group said on Tuesday.
Jordan News Agency has said a group trying to breach the embassy were unsuccessful and were removed.
Scenes in Ramallah are chaotic, as police fire tear gas and protesters throw rocks."

New York Club Uses Video of Israeli Soldiers Being Beaten for Palestine Fundraiser

"New York City club is facing backlash for a video to promote a Palestinian fundraiser that
contained footage of
Hamas attacking Israel.
The End in Brooklyn shared the video on its social media accounts to publicize the Sunday night event it called "Intifada Fundraver." The clip showed footage from the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, including of Hamas fighters using bulldozers to tear down security fencing and protesters pulling Israeli soldiers from tanks and beating them." MS

North Korea Publicly Executes Teens for Watching K-Dramas and K-Pop

"Recently, there have been cases where teenagers were publicly executed. These teenagers
were executed for watching
South Korean dramas, music, and other South Korean content. North Korea enacted a law banning the viewing and distribution of South Korean dramas, music, and other “Hallyu” content in December 2020.: MS

Ukrainian partisans say they killed dozens of Russian soldiers by poisoning their food

"Ukrainian resistance fighters in occupied Mariupol say they've killed 26 Russian soldiers, the
majority of whom died by poisoning, according to the Kyiv Post.

A further 15 soldiers ended up in the hospital as a result of the recent operation. "It became possible because of a new rotation and because the orcs are idiots," one Ukrainian partisan told the paper, using a derogatory term for Russian soldiers." BI

Ukrainian forces strike Russian airfields near occupied Berdiansk and Luhansk

troops have attacked helicopters and equipment belonging to the
Russianoccupying forces at air bases near the occupied cities of Berdiansk and Luhansk." AP

Malaysia’s Education Ministry has pulled out of the Frankfurt Book Fair

"Malaysia’s Education Ministry has pulled out of the Frankfurt Book Fair, and is accusing the
organizers of adopting
“a pro-Israeli position.” The ministry said in a statement that it “won’t compromise with Israel’s violence in Palestine, which clearly violates international laws and human rights.” The move is made in line with the Malaysian government’s stance “to always stand in solidarity and give full support to Palestine,” it added." RT

2,000 U.S. troops have been told to get ready to deploy

"About 2,000 U.S. troops have been told to get ready to deploy in anticipation of the ground
offensive. The
American soldiers would not be sent to Israel but could be assigned to other countries in the region for support roles such as medical assistance or providing security at gate crossings.....Hamas said it's holding 200 to 250 hostages − the upper end is about 50 more than previously believed − and added that it would release the non-Israeli ones when it was feasible. And Hezbollah said its fighters targeted five Israeli posts along the Lebanese border." USAT