Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Iran Releases Video Of IRGC Storming Greek Tankers, Blames US For 'Escalation'

"Iran is insisting that the Greek government use "legal and judicial" to resolve the standoff
over two oil tankers that are now under Iranian military control.
Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a Monday press conference that ultimately the United States is to blame for the Greek tanker seizure, forcing retaliation and "illegal actions" that ensure escalation, according to Bloomberg. However, he stressed that the some nine total detained Greek crew members, and other international crew, are "in a good condition and in contact with their families." ZH

US Will Not Send Ukraine Rocket Systems That Can Reach Russia

"The United States will not send Ukraine rocket systems that can reach into Russia, President
Joe Biden said on Monday, as Ukraine pushes for longer-range weapons system to help in its fight.
Ukrainian officials have been asking allies for longer-range systems including the Multiple Launch Rocket System, or MLRS, that can fire a barrage of rockets hundreds of miles away.
We’re not going to send to Ukraine rocket systems that strike into Russia,” Biden told reporters after arriving back at the White House after a weekend in Delaware." NEWSMAX