Monday, February 27, 2023

Chinese military put on ‘high alert’

"A US warplane’s recent flight through the Taiwan Strait is a threat to the stability of the
region,....The P-8A Poseidon anti-submarine patrol and reconnaissance aircraft flew through the strait separating mainland China and the self-governed island of Taiwan on Monday. A Chinese Su-27 took off and monitored the American spy plane along its path. Senior Colonel Shi Yi, a spokesman for the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) Eastern Theater Command, said this maneuver “deliberately damaged the regional situation and jeopardized peace and stability” in the region. He added that the Chinese military was “on high alert to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.” RT

Explosions occur at Machulishchy airbase in Belarus, Russian aircraft damaged

"Explosions occurred at the Machulishchy airbase in Minsk Oblast in Belarus on Sunday
morning. There is information about a damaged Russian aircraft." PRAVADA

Western Leaders Privately Admit Ukraine Can't Win The War

"Western leaders privately told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Ukraine can not win the war against Russia and that it should begin peace talks with Moscow this year in exchange for closer ties with NATO.
The Wall Street Journal, which reported on the private remarks to Zelenksy, said:
The public rhetoric masks deepening private doubts among politicians in the
U.K., France and Germany that Ukraine will be able to expel the Russians from eastern Ukraine and Crimea, which Russia has controlled since 2014, and a belief that the West can only help sustain the war effort for so long, especially if the conflict settles into a stalemate, officials from the three countries say.
‘We keep repeating that Russia mustn’t win, but what does that mean? If the war goes on for long enough with this intensity, Ukraine’s losses will become unbearable,’ a senior French official said.
‘And no one believes they will be able to retrieve Crimea.’
French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told Zelensky at an Élysée Palace dinner earlier this month that he must consider peace talks with Moscow, the Journal reported." ZeroHedge

US Considers Holding Military Maneuvers With Poland & Germany To ‘Send Putin A Message’

"The Biden administration is considering holding joint military maneuvers with Poland and
Germany to send a “very clear” signal to NATO allies and “to Putin,” Boris Pistorius, the German defense minister said.  Pistorius said the maneuvers, which would be carried out in Poland, are being “considered” to show NATO is far from being as weak as (Putin) has believed for a long time.TP