Thursday, December 7, 2023

Russians employing air force, trying to advance toward Kupiansk

"Over the past day, 13 attacks were repelled in the Lyman-Kupiansk direction. On the Kupiansk axis there were seven assaults near Synkivka. The enemy is trying to advance to the outskirts of the settlement in order to form a bridgehead for the attack on the city of Kupiansk - an important logistics center through which during the previous occupation, the enemy would bring in supplies. The Russians launched 14 air strikes, employing the entire arsenal of aviation - bombers, attack aircraft, and fire support helicopters. Guided aerial bombs were used." Ukrin

Son of Former IDF Chief of Staff, War Cabinet Minister Killed in Battle in Gaza

"Master Sgt. (res.) Gal Meir Eisenkot, 25, of the 551st Brigade’s 699th Battalion, died
Thursday as a result of wounds suffered in battle with terrorists in
Gaza. He was the son of former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot." Breitbart

Zelensky Will "Pay For His Mistakes" Says Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko

"Zelensky failed to prepare Ukraine properly for the war with Russia and will “pay for his
” warned Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko. Klitschko was asked if he was surprised to see Zelensky’s popularity declining across the country.
No. People see who is effective and who is not, and there were and are many expectations. Zelensky is paying for the mistakes he made,” he responded. The Ukrainian President failed to heed warnings that his armed forces were ill-prepared and “denied until the end that it would happen,” said Klitschko.
The Mayor questioned “why it was possible that the Russians were able to reach Kyiv so quickly” and chastised Zelensky for providing too much information “that didn’t match reality.” ZH

Russia Says Arrested Belarusian for Siberia Railway Sabotage

"Russia on Thursday arrested a Belarusian man for allegedly placing explosives on two trains
on a key part of a Siberian railway near the
Chinese border, on Ukraine's orders. Moscow said the man's curator was a Lithuania-based Belarusian who it said worked for Ukrainian secret services.
It said the "terrorist act" was aimed at "destroying critical transport-energy infrastructure." MS

The first Chinese warships have docked at a newly expanded Cambodian naval base.

"Chinese warships have docked for the first time at Cambodia’s Ream Naval Base, which is undergoing a Chinese-funded upgrade that has drawn concerns from the United States over its potential role in expanding China’s overseas military footprint." CNN

Ukraine Assassinates Former Politician Who Criticized Zelensky

"Ilya Kiva, who was a Member of Parliament in Ukraine until the war started and dissenting
lawmakers were purged, was shot in the head in an assassination claimed by the
Ukrainian intelligence service.
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) confirmed they were responsible for the killing of a former Member of Parliament of the nation who was found dead in Moscow, Russia, Ukrinform reports. The report from the Ukrainian state news outlet described Ilya Kiva as a “top traitor, collaborator and propagandist… criminal” and stated he was “liquidated” with “small arms”, or gunfire." Breitbart