Monday, November 13, 2023

Putin Ally Threatens to Obliterate NATO Countries With Nuclear Weapons

"Vladimir Solovyov, a prominent Russian TV host and noted propagandist for Russian President Vladimir Putin, recently opined that Russia would deploy nuclear weapons "right away" in the event of escalating conflict with members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)." MS

Germany sounds the alarm: "Catastrophic situation" in stores

"German media are raising the alarm about stores running out of basic goods. Shelves are being emptied, and matters could potentially worsen before the holidays.
The reason for these shortages in stores is a supply workers' strike, organized by labor unions. With an agreement appearing to be far off, there is growing concern that the situation may worsen before the holidays. A manager of one Nahkauf store was transparent in his assertion that "the situation is catastrophic". He stated that one-quarter of the store's shelves are empty. The supply worker unions are demanding a pay raise of 13%." AP

Hamas leader 'back from the dead' to attack Israel

"Hamas leader 'back from the dead' to attack Israel: Spies believe kidnapping specialist who appeared to have died nearly a decade ago is alive and masterminding campaign of terror after hiding in tunnels beneath Gaza....Mohammed Sinwar was pronounced dead in 2014 by Hamas, which released an image of him lying on a bloodstained bed.
But in reality this was a stunt aimed at protecting him from Israeli assassination attempts and he was one of three to four figures behind the attacks on Israel which killed 1,400 people, it is claimed. " AP

Russian headquarters bombed in occupied Melitopol, Russian officers killed

"Defense Intelligence of Ukraine
(DIU) has reported that
Russian officers have been killed in
the occupied city of Melitopol (Zaporizhzhia Oblast) in an explosion at their headquarters. The
Russians set up their headquarters in the premises of the Nova Poshta delivery company’s office, located on Dmytro Dontsov Street." MS

Russian and US air strikes attack targets in Syria

"Russian air strikes have targeted Syrian rebels and the United States has bombed Iran-backed groups in Syria, with the Russian military criticizing Washington for failing to coordinate its operations. Russia’s Aerospace Forces hit “illegal armed groups” in Idlib that were responsible for an artillery attack on Syrian government positions...United States carried out two air strikes against Iran-aligned groups in Syria." MS

Poland deploys new tank battalion near border with Belarus

has deployed a new tank battalion as part of the First Infantry Division in the village
of Czartajew near the
Belarusian border." AP