Monday, October 23, 2023

50 Cent Tells Joe Biden to ‘Get the F**k Up’ from Beach Vacation Amid Israel Turmoil

"Rapper 50 Cent publicly scolded President Joe Biden for vacationing at the beach while the
Middle East teeters on the brink of war.

In an Instagram post 50 Cent shared a report of Biden relaxing at the beach amid chaos and Israel’s war against Hamas following a string of terrorist attacks, which killed over 1,400 Israelis, most of whom were civilians.
Hey Joe get the fvck up, we in trouble man!” 50 Cent captioned the post." Breitbart

Hamas militants 'may potentially' try crossing southern border

"Militants associated with the Israel-Hamas war “may potentially be encountered at the
southwest border,
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials in San Diego recently warned in an internal intelligence notice." ABC

US Evacuates Iraq Embassy Amidst Rising Tensions

"The United States has ordered the evacuation of non-essential personnel and their families
from its embassy in I
raq. This decision, a severe response to the escalating threat, underscores the precariousness of the situation, and is a stark reminder of the enduring volatility of the region." AP

103 destructive attacks: Putin uses aerial bombs

"Russian forces attacked the Kherson area 103 times, using a total of 513 rounds from various
weapon systems like mortars, artillery, Grad multiple rocket launchers, tanks, aircraft, and drones."

Ukraine's Security Service exposes three residents of Kherson who directed Russian strikes on residential buildings

"The investigation found that the group had been organized by a former entrepreneur who,
after the city had been captured, defected to the
Russians. The suspect got a job as a technician at the sham Russian-created "Kherson Railway of Russia", providing technological works for trains carrying Russian military equipment. its members engaged in determining the coordinates of densely populated and residential areas in Kherson. They also sought to identify the key points of deployment and routes of movement of the Ukrainian Defense Forces in the city and its suburbs. They sent text messages to the Russians via Telegram and communicated through calls." AP

U.S. repeats warning it will defend Philippines after China ships ram vessels in Manila

"The United States
renewed a warning that it would defend the
Philippines in case of an armed attack under a 1951 treaty, after Chinese ships blocked and collided with two Filipino vessels off a contested shoal in the South China Sea." AP

Bernie Sanders Responds to Biden’s Request for $105 Billion Aid Package: ‘We Have Crises Here at Home Too’

"Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., took to social media to criticize President Joe Biden's recent
request for a $105 billion aid package aimed at
Ukraine, Israel and the U.S.-Mexico border.
"Congress cannot approve BILLIONS in a supplemental budget that ONLY addresses critical emergencies around the world," Sanders said on X. "We have crises here at home too — child care, health care, housing, opioid addiction — that need major funding NOW and must be included in the supplemental." AP

Google and Apple disable map functions in Israel, Gaza Strip as invasion looms

"Google and Apple have disabled some features in their mapping applications in Israel and the
Gaza Strip, as tensions ramp up ahead of an imminent invasion of the area currently controlled by the militant group Hamas, the companies confirmed..... the company is removing real-time crowding data in Israel and Gaza at the request of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), noting that live traffic information could previously reveal the movements of Israeli armed forces." MS

RFK Jr. Says US Defense Firms 'Gain the Most' From Biden Aid Package Request

"President Joe Biden's $106 billion supplemental request to Congress to provide additional
security assistance to
Ukraine, Israel, and other nations will mostly benefit American defense companies, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said...."Those who stand to gain the most from this aid package are the defense contractors. War is big business," Kennedy said in a statement. "National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan admitted as much, noting the aid package 'invests in America as a critical component of President Biden's foreign policy for the middle class — it will allow us to have more weapons and equipment that defend America to be made in America." Sp

Damaged gas pipeline between Estonia and Finland. Suspicions object fell from a Chinese ship

"During underwater research conducted at the Balticconnector gas pipeline, a "heavy object"
was found that could have damaged the pipeline running through the Gulf of
Finland - the Finnish police announced, emphasizing that the investigation is currently focusing on the role of a cargo ship sailing under the Hong Kong flag...At the bottom of the sea, near the site of the pipeline damage, a heavy object is buried under a thick layer of silt." BNN

Russian Armored Vehicle Drives Over Own Troops Before Exploding

"Russian armored vehicle has driven over several of its own troops before exploding, new
footage appears to show..... posted to the Telegram messaging app by
Ukraine's "Kraken" specialized unit, appears to show a Russian BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) quickly reversing and turning, running over several soldiers lying on the ground. Some scramble to move out of the vehicle's path before it moves away from the scene.....The video then cuts to a wider angle, showing the vehicle exploding. It is not clear what caused the fireball in the brief clip, or where it was filmed." Newsweek