Monday, September 26, 2022

Gunman attacks Russian military center; protests over mobilization

"A man opened fire at a Siberian military recruitment office on Monday — the latest sign of
unrest within Russia after President Vladimir Putin announced a military mobilization affecting up to 300,000 reservists from around the country....." WP

Russian methanol industry shutting down

"Suspension of trade with customers in Europe and a drop in domestic demand are forcing
producers to dramatically reduce output and sell their produce to China at a knockdown price.....Methanol, the simplest alcohol, can be obtained from natural gas and has a variety of industrial uses. It's a chemical building block for plastics, paints and building materials and also widely used in the car industry and as a fuel....Methanol producers want to avoid closing plants completely as restarting them would be costly, however, some factories have already been partially shuttered." RT