Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Russian and Chinese military planes conduct joint flyover

"Russia and China conducted joint air patrols in the Asia-Pacific region on Tuesday, the
Russian Defense Ministry has revealed, as Japan and South Korea expressed concerns regarding the flights.
The Russian ministry said in a statement that Russian Tu-95 strategic missile carriers and Chinese Xian H-6 strategic bombers participated in air patrols held over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea. The bombers were escorted by Su-30SM fighter jets." RT

Wuhan Bio Lab Carried Out Gain Of Function Research On Monkeypox Virus

"The Wuhan bio lab that was the center of controversy surrounding gain of function research
on coronaviruses appears to have been carrying out the same kind of research on monkeypox, to make it more lethal to humans, according to a report citing the peer reviewed journal Virologica Sinica which published the lab’s findings in February." SummitNews

Analyst Warns World Has Just 'Ten Weeks' Of Wheat Supplies Left In Storage

"A food insecurity expert said the world has only about 10 weeks of wheat supplies left in
storage amid the conflict in Ukraine and as India has moved to bar exports of wheat in recent weeks.

Sara Menker, the CEO of agriculture analytics firm Gro Intelligence, told the United Nations Security Council that the RussiaUkraine war “simply added fuel to a fire that was long burning,” saying that it is not the primary cause of the wheat shortage. Ukraine and Russia both produce close to about a third of the world’s wheat.
“I want to start by explicitly saying that the RussiaUkraine war did not start the food security crisis. It simply added fuel to a fire that was long burning. A crisis we detected tremors from long before the COVID 19 pandemic exposed the fragility of our supply chains,” Menker said, according to a transcript.
“I share this because we believe it’s important for you all to understand that even if the war were to end tomorrow, our food security problem isn’t going away anytime soon without concerted action.”
In providing data, Menker said that due to price increases in major crops this year, it’s made another 400 million worldwide “food insecure,” adding that with wheat, the world “currently only [has] 10 weeks of global consumption sitting in inventory around the world." ZH

War Enters 'Most Active Phase' As Russia Encircles Ukraine Troops In East

"Ukraine said Tuesday that Russia’s military campaign has "entered its most active phase,"
according to the words of Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk.
"Three months after invading Ukraine, Russian forces are trying to encircle Ukrainian troops in twin cities straddling the Siverskyi Donets River in eastern Ukraine," he described. Further as Reuters reports, "Motuzyanyk said Russian forces had not given up attempts to cross the river." The area referenced is in and around the vicinity of the city of Sievierodonetsk and represents the last major Ukrainian stronghold in the eastern Lugansk province. Alongside Lysychansk on the opposite bank, this section of the river is where the most pivotal battle is now taking place." ZeroHedge

Henry Kissinger tells Ukraine it should give Russia territory to try to find a peace deal

"Henry Kissinger has said that the West should stop trying to inflict a crushing defeat on
Russia and suggested that Ukraine should give upterritory.
Former US secretary of state Mr Kissinger, 98, told the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland that Ukraine must begin negotiations ‘before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome’." NewsWars