Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Cyprus promises to take action after revelations about role of its companies in hiding Russian assets

"Cypriot authorities have vowed to tighten control on the movement of assets through companies in its jurisdiction following a major investigation by a consortium of journalists into the role of Cypriot companies in hiding hundreds of millions of dollars in assets linked to Russian sanctioned individuals." Pravada

IDF Continues to Defeat Hamas in Gaza; Palestinian Civilians Loot Abandoned Hamas Bases

"The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continue to win battle after battle with Hamas terrorists inside Gaza, as a widely-circulated photo on social media appeared to show soldiers from the elite Golani brigade posing at the podium of Gaza’s so-called “parliament.” The Hamas terrorist organization has lost control of Gaza, terrorists are fleeing south, civilians are looting Hamas bases, and they have no confidence in their government." Breitbart

Saudi’s cancellation of Nigerian visas

"The Federal Government of Nigeria has reacted to the deportation of passengers airlifted from Nigeria on Sunday, November 12, 2023, to Saudi Arabia.
DAILY POST recalls that 264 passengers were notified that their visa had been cancelled
when they landed at the King Abdulaziz International Airport, Hajj Terminal Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia. It was gathered that 177 passengers were made to return on the same flight back to Nigeria, while 87 passengers were cleared by immigration and allowed entry into Jeddah.
A statement issued by Francisca K. Omayuli, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, called for calm over the situation, adding that the investigation is still ongoing.
According to the statement: “The Saudi authorities are yet to give reasons for the cancellation of the visas, except for 18 of the passengers who were outrightly banned from Saudi Arabia for various offences committed in the past. Notwithstanding the fact that it is the prerogative of a sovereign nation to determine who is permitted entry into its territory, Nigeria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are traditional and strategic partners who are willing to guard against the reoccurrence of this unfortunate incident." DailyPostNigeria

Forbidden Russian oil flows into Pentagon supply chain

"After Western nations announced bans on Russian oil last year in response to the invasion of Ukraine, a Greek refinery that serves the U.S. military moved quickly to adapt. Within months, it told investors it had stopped accepting the forbidden oil and had found other sources instead. But there was a reason Russian petroleum, on paper at least, could so easily be removed from the supply chain.
products that originated in Russia kept flowing to the Motor Oil Hellas refinery on the Aegean Sea in Greece, a Washington Post examination of shipping and trade data found. They just took a new route, hundreds of miles out of the way through an oil storage facility in Turkey, a journey that obscured Russia’s imprint as ownership of the products changed hands multiple times before they reached Greece.
On the surface, the refinery’s sourcing of
fuel oil from the Dortyol shipping terminal in Turkey seemed to affirm pronouncements by the White House and European leaders that embargoes on Russian oil were working as planned, depriving President Vladimir Putin of crucial revenue to fund his military aggression in Ukraine. The fact that those shipments contained material that originated in Russia underscores the porousness of the sanctions and the failure to aggressively enforce them.
Over the past two years, Dortyol received 5.4 million barrels of fuel oil by sea, all but 1.9 million from Russia, according to shipping records and trade data from Refinitiv, a financial-data firm that specializes in commodities markets. Since the European Union sanctions took effect in February, Russian shipments to Dortyol totaled 2.7 million barrels, or more than 69 percent of the fuel oil shipped by sea to Dortyol during that period." WashingtonPost

Russian Navy Wades Into US-China-India Turf War

"Russian warships are in the Indian Ocean this week as Moscow looks to bolster its relations with Bangladesh and Myanmar (Burma), two nations in the throes of anti-democratic shifts where the Kremlin is eyeing new economic and political opportunities." Newsweek

The last 24 hours, 57 combat clashes

"Within the last 24 hours, 57 combat clashes have occurred in the front. In total, the Russians launched four missile attacks and 42 airstrikes, as well as 26 attacks from multiple-launch rocket systems. During the day, the aircraft of the Defense Forces of Ukraine launched 10
attacks on the areas of concentration of manpower, armament and military equipment of the enemy.
Ukrainian air defense has destroyed two Shahed-136/131 attack UAVs and one X-59 guided air missile. Missile units have struck six areas of concentration of manpower, armament and military equipment, a control point, 17 artillery systems, three air defense systems and one oil and lubricant storage of the Russians. On the Kupiansk front, the Russians conducted assault actions near the settlements of Synkivka and Petropavlivka in Kharkiv Oblast where the defense forces repelled seven attacks.
On the Lyman front, the Russians conducted assault actions near the settlements of Nadiia and the Serebrianka Forestry in Luhansk Oblast but to no avail.
On the Bakhmut front, the Russians were conducting assault actions near Bohdanivka, Ivanivske, Klishchiivka and Andriivka in Donetsk Oblast where the Ukrainian forces repelled 10 attacks." MS

Ukrainian forces near Avdiivka shoot down eighth Su-25 in month

"The Ukrainian defense forces shot down another Russian Su-25 aircraft in the Avdiivka
direction on Tuesday, November 14th, states spokesperson of Tavria direction Oleksandr Shtupun in a comment to RBC-
Ukraine. Shtupun notes that this is the eighth destroyed Russian aircraft in the Avdiivka direction since October 10, 2023. It was then that the Russian Federation began active combat actions and an offensive in this direction." Pravada

Up to seven killed in US air strikes in Syria

"The United States believes its latest air strikes against Iran-linked militia in Syria killed up to seven people....The deaths would be the first since the United States started carrying out retaliatory strikes against militia whom Washington blames for attacking American troops at bases in Iraq and Syria. The other strikes have hit unoccupied facilities, including for storage of weaponry." JeruslaemPost

Klyuchevskoy Erupts: Eurasia’s Tallest Active Volcano Spews Ash 40,000 Feet Into the Air

"Eruption activity escalated at the Klyuchevskoy volcano on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula in autumn 2023. When the MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor on NASA’s Aqua satellite acquired this image the ash plume from Klyuchevskoy (also Kliuchevskoi) rose as high as 40,000 feet above sea level. The plume extended 1,000 miles to the east-southeast, reported the Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT)." SciTechDaily

Latin America Is Running Out of Water

"Traffic through the Panama Canal is nearly half-capacity these days. Normally, 40 ships take the world’s greatest shortcut through its locks each day. Last week, the Canal Authority reduced daily passages to 25, while predicting further cuts to 18 by February. The immediate cause is Panama’s driest October since recordkeeping began in 1950. Panama
is not the only Latin American country currently facing water scarcity. To the contrary, the entire region is in the grips of a dry spell. A historic drought is ravaging
Brazil's Amazon, with a record 3,858 fires ripping through the state of Amazonas this month. With their “river highway” drained, riverine communities face emergency-level shortages in food, medicine and drinking water, while endangered river dolphins and other species are dying en masse. Meanwhile, farmers from the Dominican Republic to Argentina are reporting millions of dollars in crop losses. The Dominican Republic sealed its border with Haiti over a water dispute. Mexico City is rationing water due to reservoirs at historic lows at the end of what is supposed to be its rainy season. Water supplies stored in the glaciers of the Andes are receding, reducing their ability to replenish drainage basins and aquifers with meltwater during warmer, drier months, leading western Bolivia to ration water. Central Chile is buckling under 14 years of consecutive drought, which analysts have taken to calling a “mega drought.” Warmer surface waters block upwelling of nutrient-rich, cold waters from the ocean’s depths. Fewer nitrates and phosphates reach the surface, reducing the phytoplankton population. That in turn ripples up the food chain. Fish stocks plummet as species die or migrate, wreaking havoc on communities that depend on them for their livelihoods." MS

Myanmar (Burma) army captures Ukrainian equipment near China border

"The National Democratic Alliance Army rebels in
Myanmar have captured numerous
armored vehicles of
Ukrainian origin. The machinery was intercepted near the border of China in the Shang state. , Militarnyi reported the capture of two Ukrainian-made MT-LBMSz armored carriers. While one of them was destroyed, the other remained functional. The visual condition of the operating carrier appears to be excellent based on the photos. The MT-LBMSz is an infantry fighting vehicle made in Ukraine. The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army also captured a Ukrainian-made BTR-3U armored carrier, a deep modernization of the BTR-94K vehicle." MS

Alaska declares snow emergency as 4 homeless die from El Nino snowfall of 9 inches in 24 hours

"In an average November in Anchorage, Alaska, residents can expect to see a little over 12 inches of snow over the course of the month.
Last week, in the span of two days, more than twice the much fell, shattering a single-day record with nine inches of snow in 24 hours. Some parts of the city saw 30 inches of snow total, resulting in road closures, power outages and school closings." MS

Russian rebels kill top spy in border ambush

"A paramilitary unit of Russian citizens based in Ukraine and fighting against the Russian
government has claimed responsibility for the assassination of a high-ranking Russian intelligence officer near the Ukrainian border.
The Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK) released a video allegedly showing the operation that killed Lieutenant Colonel Sergey Shaty, the deputy head of the border troops of the Federal Security Service (FSB)." TD

Russian Black Sea Fleet's Top Marine Dies After Being Wounded in Combat

"Yan Sukhanov, a top marine with Russia's Black Sea Fleet, has died after sustaining injuries in combat in Ukraine. Sukhanov, the chief of staff of the 810th Separate Guards Naval Infantry Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet, "was wounded in Mariupol" and has been buried after developing an illness, Mikhail Razvozhaev, the Kremlin-installed governor of Crimea's Sevastopol, said." MS

Canadian-Israeli Peace Activist Vivian Silver Confirmed Murdered by Hamas

"The body of Canadian-Israel peace activist Vivian Silver, one of the leaders of the Women
Wage Peace organization, was identified on Monday among the dead at Kibbutz Be’eri, more than five weeks after the
Hamas terror attack of October 7. omen Wage Peace, posted a note last week:
Early Saturday morning Vivian wrote to say that terrorists had infiltrated the kibbutz and entered her home.
And since 11:07 – silence. A deafening silence.
Vivian Silver, member of kibbutz Be’eri, central activist of Women Wage Peace and renowned peace activist in many other organizations, has been transporting ailing
Gazans from the border checkpoint to Israeli hospitals for years now. Humanist, peace loving, determined, wise and steadfast Vivian. She is now a hostage." FOX