Friday, March 10, 2023

Cars line up to enter Russia from Georgia

"A large line of vehicles seeking entry to Russia from Georgia has assembled at the border between the two countries.
Tbilisi has been rocked by violent protests this week as thousands took to the streets to decry the country’s draft law on foreign agents."RT

Silicon Valley Bank shut down sends shockwaves through Silicon Valley

"Regulators closed down one of 
Silicon Valley Bank’s most important banks on Friday, marking
the largest bank failure since the Great Recession and the second-biggest in U.S. history.
Earlier in the day, Silicon Valley Bank suspended trading of its plummeting shares and depositors rushed to withdraw their money. As one of the main institutions where start-ups deposited their venture-backed investments, SVB’s failure sent shock waves through the industry. The turmoil comes as the tech companies retrench and shed workers, while rising interest rates spark signs of broader financial distress." WP

Putin Congratulates China’s Xi on Third Term, Hails 'Strengthening' Ties

"Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Xi Jinping on his appointment to a third term as China's president, hailing the growing links between the two nations." MoscowTimes

Fake ‘nuclear bomb’ alert on TV and radio scares Russians

"Hackers took over Russian state media to tell listeners to rush to nuclear bomb shelters and
take anti-radiation pills.
Radio and television broadcasts in Moscow and the western Sverdlovsk area were interrupted with a phony warning of a missile strike on the country.
The Kremlin blamed the false alarm, which told listeners to take potassium iodine, put on gas masks and seek shelter, on a cyber attack." Independent

Saboteurs Damage Railways, Russian Aircraft in Belarus

"After Russia invaded Ukraine, guerrillas from Belarus began carrying out acts of sabotage on
their country’s railways, including blowing up track equipment to paralyze the rails that Russian forces used to get troops and weapons into Ukraine.
In the most recent sabotage to make international headlines, they attacked a Russian warplane parked just outside the Belarusian capital.
Belarusians will not allow the Russians to freely use our territory for the war with Ukraine, and we want to force them to leave,” Anton, a retired Belarusian serviceman who joined a group of saboteurs, told The Associated Press in a phone interview." Breitbart

Rejected: Academy Awards Won’t Give Ukraine’s Zelensky Air Time

 "The Academy Awards has reportedly rejected Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky’s
request to appear on Sunday’s broadcast, signaling a cooling off of the love affair between Hollywood and Zelensky." Breitbart