Saturday, April 30, 2022

North Korea's Kim Jong Un warns of 'preemptive' use of nuclear force

"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has repeated his warning that Pyongyang could
"preemptively" use its nuclear weaponry to counter hostile forces... Kim told top military officers that to "maintain the absolute superiority" of North Korea's armed forces, the country should be able to "preemptively and thoroughly contain and frustrate all dangerous attempts and threatening moves... if necessary," the official KCNA news agency reported." France24

NATO Jets Intercept Russian Fighters Multiple Times In Baltic & Black Sea Regions

"NATO fighter jets were scrambled on multiple occasions in response to Russian aircraft
which came near alliance airspace in the Black and Baltic Sea regions at a moment the Western alliance continues deepening its involvement in Ukraine via weapons shipments and intelligence-sharing. 
An official NATO statement said its fighters were sent to intercept Russian aircraft multiple times over the past four days.  Quick reaction fighters from Poland, Denmark, France and Spain made the intercepts in the Baltic Sea region. Meanwhile, Romanian and British aircraft scrambled from Romania to track aircraft in the Black Sea region, NATO said." ZH

Turkey to boycott NATO wargames

"Turkey will not participate in NATO drills amid escalating tensions with neighboring Greece citing security sources. Ankara was scheduled to send its F-16 Fighting Falcon jets to the annual ‘Tiger Meet’ drill, which will be held at the Araxos Air Base in western Greece from May 9 to May 22." RT

France shuts down 50% of nuclear reactors amid energy crunch

"France, one of Europe’s leading electricity exporters, has taken 28 of its 56 atomic reactors
offline due to defects or maintenance. The step comes amid a months-long energy crunch, one of the worst in European history." RT

Zelenskyy turns Nazi rhetoric on Russia

"Zelenskyy said there were operational differences between Russian forces today and the
Nazis during World War II, but said Moscow’s persistent lies are what separates the two. "Russian troops manage to be even more cynical than the Nazis 80 years ago," he said. "At that time, the invaders did not say that it was the Mariupol residents and the defenders of the city who shelled and killed themselves." FOX

White House admits Iran ‘few weeks or less’ from nuclear breakout

"Press Secretary Jen Psaki was forced to admit Iran’sbreakout period” for a nuclear weapon
is down from about a year…to just a few weeks or less.”
The Times of Israel notes that the breakout period refers to the amount of time “it will take Iran to amass enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon, if its chooses to do so.”
The Times of Israel notes that a distinction must be made: “having enough nuclear material for a bomb is not he same as having the capabilities to build the core of the weapon and to attach it to the warhead of a missile, which would likely take more time.
Psaki told reporters at Tuesday’s press conference that Iran’s nuclear development “definitely worries us.” MichaelSavage