Sunday, April 9, 2023

Russian night attack on Zaporizhzhia

"Russian forces have destroyed a house and killed two people during an overnight attack on
the city of Zaporizhzhia."

French Defence Ministry denies presence of French soldiers in Ukraine

"The French Ministry of Defence denies the presence of French soldiers in Ukraine, as
allegedly evidenced by documents attributed to the Pentagon that were leaked to
Russian social media in the middle of the week." Ukrin

German ambassador expelled for ‘impolite attitude’

"The government of Chad announced the expulsion of German Ambassador Jan-Christian
Gordon Kricke on Friday, giving him 48 hours to leave the country.
“This decision of the government is motivated by the impolite attitude and the non-respect of diplomatic customs,” the Chadian Communications Ministry said. Chadian government source as saying that Kricke was “interfering too much” in the country’s affairs and making divisive remarks. Reuters, meanwhile, quoted sources as saying that Chad decided to expel the envoy due to his comments about the delay in the country’s transition to civilian rule after a coup two years ago." RT

Over 100 More Classified Docs Appear Online: US Secrets 'From Ukraine To Middle East To China'

"A more expanded document dump and leak of highly classified materials is being reported in the wake of the initial disclosure that memos related to
US strategy in the Ukraine war appeared online, including material marked "Top Secret"
This time the leak appears more expansive: "A new batch of classified documents that appear to detail American national security secrets from Ukraine to the Middle East to China surfaced on social media sites on Friday, alarming the Pentagon and adding turmoil to a situation that seemed to have caught the Biden administration off guard," The New York Times reported. they include reports labeled with one of the highest classification ratings of "Secret/NoForn" - which means they are sensitive enough to not be shared with even foreign allies. " ZH