Sunday, July 9, 2023

Globalist Dutch Government Collapses, PM Mark Rutte Resigns, as Pro-Farmer Populists Threaten to Upend Establishment in Upcoming Elections

"The fourth government of Mark Rutte, 56, the
Netherlands’ longest-serving prime minister, collapsed as coalition partners were seemingly incapable of coming to a compromise on the issue of migration and asylum policy. This marks the third time since coming to power in 2010 that a Rutte government failed to complete a full term in office. The issue of mass migration has come to the fore of Dutch politics as the country’s infrastructure was stretched so thin that last year many migrants were forced to sleep outdoors as a result of lack of accommodation.
Vlaardingerbroek, who has been a champion of the Dutch farmer protest movement that saw thousands of farmers take to their tractors over the past two years in opposition to the EU-driven green agenda that threatens to shut down their farms forever, said, however, that the upcoming elections represent a “real chance of getting our country back” and to fight back against the “expropriation of our farmers, push back on immigration, and take back our national sovereignty from organisations like the EU and the WEF.” Breitbart

Occupiers claim cruise missile shot down near Kerch Bridge

"In Crimea, near the Kerch Bridge from the side of Kerch city, traffic on the bridge was
stopped in both directions after the occupying
Russian air defense forces were activated....a cruise missile was shot down by air defense forces in the area of Kerch." Ukrin