Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Putin, in Tehran, gets strong support from Iran over Ukraine

"Russian President Vladimir Putin won staunch support from Iran on Tuesday for his
country’s military campaign in Ukraine, with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei saying the West opposes an “independent and strongRussia.
Khamenei said that if Russia hadn’t sent troops into Ukraine, it would have faced an attack from NATO later.
Putin conferred with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the conflict in Syria, and he used the trip to discuss a U.N.-backed proposal to resume exports of Ukrainian grain to ease the global food crisis." AP

Central Kramatorsk attacked

"The center of Kramatorsk, a key target for Russian forces in Donetsk, has been attacked
according to the city’s mayor, with the number of victims yet to be determined." CNBC