"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed
the British Parliament Wednesday
afternoon, expressing his view on military alliances in terms of equipment transfers, and thanking the United Kingdom “in advance” for the gift of its warplanes.
afternoon, expressing his view on military alliances in terms of equipment transfers, and thanking the United Kingdom “in advance” for the gift of its warplanes.
The speaker of the British House of Commons was presented with a
signed combat pilot’s helmet by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
on Wednesday afternoon, saying the gift should act as a symbol to help
get Western warplanes donated to the Ukrainian war effort. Indicating,
perhaps, that he now considers getting British fighter jets is now a
fait accompli Zelensky said in his address to the UK Parliament that he
was “thanking all of you –in advance — for powerful English planes”. Breitbart