Monday, February 13, 2023

US fighter jet shoots down airborne object over Lake Huron

"A US F-16 fighter jet shot down another airborne object over Lake Huron on Sunday
afternoon at the direction of President Joe Biden, the Pentagon said.  A US F-16 fighter jet shot down another airborne object over Lake Huron." CNN

Leave Russia Immediately, State Dept. Tells US Citizens

"Is Biden and his handlers about to escalate the war in Ukraine once again? Why didn't the
State Dept. say this initially?" NW

US General Says He Can’t Rule Out Aliens As More UFO’s Enter American Airspace

"During a Sunday interview on Fox News, US General Glen Vanherck stunned the hosts as he
said he cannot rule out aliens or extraterrestrials as more UFO’s enter US Airspace.
He continued by saying “We’re calling them objects, not balloons for a reason”. TP

Denmark hands over all of its CAESAR howitzers to Ukraine

"Denmark has handed over all of its CAESAR self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine." UKRIN