Saturday, November 19, 2022

Sweden Reveals ‘Traces of Explosives’ Found at Baltic Sea Gas Pipe Blast Site

"Swedish investigators found traces of explosives at the Baltic Sea site where two natural pipelines were damaged in an act of “gross sabotage,” the prosecutor leading Sweden’s preliminary investigation said Friday.
Sweden’s findings of “a sabotage act or a terrorist act — you can call it whatever you like” confirm “the information that the Russian side has had,” Peskov said. Moscow needs to wait for a full damage assessment to decide whether to repair the pipelines, he said." Breaitbart

Moscow accuses Ukrainian soldiers of killing POWs (DISTURBING IMAGES)

"The Russian Defense Ministry has accused Ukrainian forces of committing a war crime after a video surfaced on social media which appears to show captured Russian servicemen first alive and subsequently dead.
The footage depicts soldiers dressed in Russian uniforms first surrendering to troops in uniforms bearing Ukrainian insignia before being shown lying on the ground, presumably dead." RT