Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Putin signs law banning issuance of licenses to foreign users of mineral resources

"Putin signed a law prohibiting the issuance of licenses for the development of mineral
resources to foreign companies. The document was published on the official portal of legal information.
According to the law, only legal entities established in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation, as well as individual entrepreneurs, who are citizens of Russia, can be users of national mineral resources. To continue working in Russia, foreign companies will have to create legal entities in the Russian Federation and transfer the rights to use subsoil plots to them. Valid licenses for the right to use subsoil held by foreigners will be transferred to Russian entities or returned to the subsoil fund." Tass

The U.S. imposed new sanctions to punish Russia

"The U.S. imposed new sanctions to punish Russia for its war in Ukraine. The sanctions
include restrictions on 70 Russian defense-related businesses, including Rostec, a state-owned corporation "considered to be the cornerstone of Russia's defense, industrial, technology, and manufacturing sectors," the State Department said. The U.S., along with G-7 countries, is also banning the import of Russian gold." NPR

The death toll climbed to at least 20 after Monday's missile attack on a crowded mall

"The death toll climbed to at least 20 after Monday's missile attack on a crowded mall in the
central Ukrainian city of Kremenchuk, which leaders at a Group of Seven meeting called a "war crime." On Tuesday, emergency responders ended a rescue search for survivors. Russia's government denied hitting the shopping center, claiming it caught fire after Russia struck a nearby weapons depot. But Ukraine's president said it was a "calculated" strike against the mall." NPR

‘No NATO’: Watch Thousands Protest Alliance in Madrid on Eve of Key Summit

"Thousands took to the streets of Madrid on Sunday to protest the upcoming NATO summit.
Carrying modern-day Spanish flags, banners of the old Spanish Republic and flags identifying a range of Leftist forces, including the Party of Labour, the Communist Party, the United Left, the social democratic Unidas Podemos and the Solidaridad Obrera union, demonstrators chanted ‘No NATO’ and ‘NATO Bases – Out’ as they marched along Paseo del Prado Boulevard.
The protesters were joined by allies from other countries, including a group from the Communist Party of Greece, and South Koreans carrying banners reading “Disband NATO, a vehicle of imperialist war!” and “Oppose South Korea Joining NATO!” Sputnik

Report Confirms Expansive CIA ‘Stealth Network’ Of Spies & Commandos Inside Ukraine

"A fresh New York Times report has confirmed what many already suspected – that the CIA is
still very active inside Ukraine – especially with training as well coordinating weapons among its Ukrainian allies.
The Times report details “a stealthy network of commandos and spies rushing to provide weapons, intelligence and training,” based on US and European intelligence officials" ZH