Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Danish Defence Chief Calls for Female Military Conscription, Citing Russian Threat

"Women should be open to being conscripted into the military in light of the threat posed by
Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Denmark’s defence minister suggested this week. Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, the deputy prime minister and minister of defence of Denmark said that at present, the NATO country is unable to defend itself and therefore should seek to expand the ranks of it’s armed forces." Breitbart

Ukrainian forces repel 13 enemy attacks in past day

"Ukraine's defense forces have repelled attacks by Russian invaders outside 13 settlements in
the Donetsk and Luhansk regions over the past 24 hours. They hit three enemy command posts, eight Russian positions and two ammunition depots." Ukrin

Ukraine defenders destroy five light boats carrying enemy recon groups

"Armed Forces of Ukraine over the past day destroyed five light motor boats carrying enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups." Ukrin

Hundreds protest against Germany’s policies on Ukraine

"Several hundred people marched through the Bavarian city of Nuremberg on Monday,
protesting against Berlin’s move to provide Ukraine with heavy arms, including Leopard 2 tanks. Participants voiced concerns that Germany could end up being dragged into a massive war with Russia as a result." RT