Friday, August 26, 2022

Russian soldier defects, tells CBS News he and his comrades were "lied to," and soon realized Ukraine "war was wrong"

"Paratrooper Pavel Filatyev told Patta that he was so disgusted with the war that he defected
and decided to tell his story — despite it putting him at great personal risk.....
Patta asked the Russian soldier if he felt deceived.
"I know that we have been tricked for many years, and everything shown on [Russian] state TV has nothing to do with reality," he said. "Every person in Russia knows this. We have been lied to for many years and, unfortunately, now the same thing is happening in the war." CBS

Britain braces for a surge in energy prices as the war in Ukraine further stretches markets

"Energy prices paid by most British households are set to rise 80 percent this fall, the latest
economic blow to European consumers and businesses as the war in Ukraine stretches already tight markets for energy." WashingtonPost

Artillery hits Zaporozhye nuclear dump

"Four artillery projectiles fired from Ukrainian positions struck the fuel storage site of the
Zaporozhye nuclear power plant." RT

Russia responds to Zuckerberg’s FBI revelations

"The FBI and other US security agencies secretly control American social media giants,
Russia’s foreign ministry press director has alleged. The high-level official cited a recent interview by Mark Zuckerberg, in which the Facebook CEO supposedly acknowledged such influence. 
On Friday, spokesperson Maria Zakharova published a post on her Telegram channel devoted to Zuckerberg’s recent appearance on The Joe Rogan podcast. According to the Russian diplomat, Facebook’s first-in-command recounted how FBI operatives had visited him ahead of the 2020 US presidential elections, which ended in victory for Joe Biden, asking him to suppress stories revolving around the “unseemly contents” of Hunter Biden’s laptop on his platforms." RT

Germany's Scholz sets limit on weapons for Ukraine

 "Berlin will not provide Kiev with arms that could be used to attack Russia, the chancellor
says." RT