Thursday, February 24, 2022

Japan announces more sanctions on Russia after attack on Ukraine

"Japan will impose additional sanctions targeting Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Friday, joining the United States and Europe in piling pressure on Moscow that defied international calls for diplomacy.

Speaking at a news conference, Kishida said the new package of sanctions include export controls on semiconductors and other products, a freeze on assets held by Russian financial institutions and a suspension of visa issuance for certain Russian individuals and entities."  

European electricity and gas prices rise 40% due to Russian invasion of Ukraine

"The Russian invasion of Ukraine is causing prices for electricity and natural gas in Europe to
go through the roof again. The price of electricity in Belgium is even reaching record highs.

For delivery in March, the gas price goes up 40%, to about €125 per megawatt-hour (MWh). The price for the supply of electricity is also rising some 40%, to €300 per MWh, reports the Belga News Agency." BrusselsTimes

Swedish government firm on not joining Nato despite Russian aggression

"Despite a debate about NATO membership that has been revived by Ukraine tensions, the
Social Democrat leader said Sweden’s position on not joining the defence alliance remained in place.

In a situation like this it is important that Sweden’s long-standing security policy stays firm. That we are predictable and clear,” Andersson said." TheLocal

Ukrainians who live in the Netherlands have been gathering in the rain on Dam square in central Amsterdam and outside the Russian embassy in The Hague to show their solidarity with friends and family back home, following the Russian invasion. ‘It is a terrible day and I don’t think any Ukrainian slept last night,’ one young woman said. ‘At midnight we already knew something horrible was going to happen.’

Ukrainians who live in the Netherlands have been gathering in the rain on Dam square in central Amsterdam and outside the Russian embassy in The Hague to show their solidarity with friends and family back home, following the Russian invasion. ‘It is a terrible day and I don’t think any Ukrainian slept last night,’ one young woman said. ‘At midnight we already knew something horrible was going to happen.’

Ukrainians who live in the Netherlands have been gathering in the rain on Dam square in central Amsterdam and outside the Russian embassy in The Hague to show their solidarity with friends and family back home, following the Russian invasion. ‘It is a terrible day and I don’t think any Ukrainian slept last night,’ one young woman said. ‘At midnight we already knew something horrible was going to happen.’

Ukrainians who live in the Netherlands have been gathering in the rain on Dam square in central Amsterdam and outside the Russian embassy in The Hague to show their solidarity with friends and family back home, following the Russian invasion. ‘It is a terrible day and I don’t think any Ukrainian slept last night,’ one young woman said. ‘At midnight we already knew something horrible was going to happen.’

Ukrainians who live in the Netherlands have been gathering in the rain on Dam square in central Amsterdam and outside the Russian embassy in The Hague to show their solidarity with friends and family back home, following the Russian invasion. ‘It is a terrible day and I don’t think any Ukrainian slept last night,’ one young woman said. ‘At midnight we already knew something horrible was going to happen.’

Ukrainians who live in the Netherlands have been gathering in the rain on Dam square in central Amsterdam and outside the Russian embassy in The Hague to show their solidarity with friends and family back home, following the Russian invasion. ‘It is a terrible day and I don’t think any Ukrainian slept last night,’ one young woman said. ‘At midnight we already knew something horrible was going to happen.’


Patreon suspends donation page for nonprofit giving body armor to Ukrainian army

"Patreon, a start-up whose website allows people to give money to individuals and groups,
said Thursday that it had suspended the fundraising campaign that a nonprofit organization was using to collect donations to distribute body armor, medical kits, and helmets to Ukrainian soldiers.
But on Thursday people who attempted to visit the page simply saw the message “This page has been removed.”

But Patreon told CNBC that using the site to support the purchase of military equipment was banned.

Patreon does not allow any campaigns involved in violence or purchasing of military equipment, regardless of their cause,” a company spokesperson told CNBC in an email. “We are investigating because of representations on their donation page for how the funds will be used. We have suspended the campaign in question while we investigate. If a page is ultimately removed our policy is to send the creator the remaining funds or refund all pledges.” CNBC

$20 million to scale up UN humanitarian operations in Ukraine

"The United Nations announces it is immediately allocating $20 million to scale up UN
humanitarian operations in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion.

Secretary-General Antonio Guterres makes the announcement saying the UN and its humanitarian partners “are committed to staying and delivering, to support people in Ukraine in their time of need … regardless of who or where they are.”

With deaths rising, we are seeing images of fear, anguish and terror in every corner of Ukraine,” the UN chief says. “People — everyday innocent people — always pay the highest price.Times Of Israel

Ukraine's Zelensky rages at Nato for leaving his countrymen 'alone' to fight Russia

"'Who is ready to fight alongside us? I don't see anyone. Everyone is afraid': Ukraine's
rages at NATO for leaving his countrymen 'alone' to fight Russia – with fears Kyiv will fall in 96 hours and scores killed on Day 1 of Europe's new war.
He added that the enemy has already entered Kyiv and urged residents to be vigilant and observe curfew rules, acknowledging he was 'target number one'. 
The Ukrainian capital is expected to be surrounded by Russian forces this weekend and the country's resistance effectively crippled, US security officials fear." DailyMail

Russians Take to Streets to Protest Ukraine Invasion, Hundreds Arrested in Police Crackdown

"As Russia continued its invasion of Ukraine on Thursday, anti-war protesters in cities across
Russia were being arrested by the hundreds by police.

Reuters reported as of early evening that some 549 people had been arrested in 39 cities across Russia for protesting the invasion." Mediaite

Smoke billows from Chuhuiv, Ukraine airfield after attack by Russian military

"Fuel storage areas and other airport infrastructure at the Chuhuiv airfield were damaged by
Russian militant forces."

Zelensky orders 'general mobilization' in face of Russian invasion

"Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky ordered a full-scale “general mobilization” of the
Ukrainian public on Wednesday, to take place within the next 90 days.

The Ukraine Armed Forces will now determine the number of conscripts that must be drafted to contend with Vladimir Putin’s invasion of the country, according to the official decree.

Zelensky began conscripting reservists aged 18 to 60 on Wednesday, but had previously ruled out a general mobilization of the population." NYP

'Saboteurs' have breached Kyiv, Zelensky says

"Unspecified Russian ‘saboteurs’ are already in Kyiv, Ukraine President Zelensky said.

The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday reported on a network of pro-Russian infiltrators and turncoats that Ukrainian officials believe constitute a “fifth column” in the country’s capital." NYP

First day of Russian assault kills 137 Ukrainians, injures hundred more

"President Zelensky said 137 Ukrainians had been killed since Russia launched its invasion
into the country early Wednesday.

Another 306 Ukrainian citizens have been wounded, Zelensky said." NYP

Wagner Group, Kremlin-backed mercenaries, reportedly laid groundwork in Ukraine

"A shadowy group of Kremlin-backed mercenaries who allegedly helped lay the
groundwork for the invasion of eastern Ukraine have been accused of some of the worst atrocities around the world.

In 2017, hired guns from Russia’s Wagner Group, a private paramilitary outfit, were reportedly behind the savage mutilation and beheading of a Syrian army deserter.

They have also been linked to widespread rapes and robberies of civilians in the Central African Republic last year, according to human rights groups.

In recent weeks, some 300 Russian operatives from Wagner arrived in the separatist enclaves of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine wearing civilian clothes.

While it’s not clear what their purpose is in the region, Wagner’s paramilitaries, who are largely made up of former Russian soldiers, have, allegedly, increasingly been involved in some of the bloodiest conflicts in the world where Russia has an interest.

In 2018, US-led coalition forces in Syria injured and killed 300 Wagner-linked operatives, according to reports. Russia has aligned itself with Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad in the country’s nearly 11-year civil war.

The Wagner Group was reportedly founded by Dmitry Utkin, a former special forces colonel and veteran of the two wars in Chechnya. The company is named after Utkin’s call sign (“Wagner”), itself said to be an homage to Adolf Hitler’s favorite opera composer, Richard Wagner. The firm is believed to be owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Russian oligarch with close ties to the Kremlin who is also known as “Putin’s cook” because restaurants and catering companies he owns have hosted lavish dinner parties for the country’s political elite." NYP

Human rights reporter accuses UN group of abandoning her in Ukraine amid Russian invasion

"Human rights journalist Sara Cincurova slammed the United Nations’ Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Thursday after she said the agency abandoned her on a train in Ukraine amid Russia’s full-scale invasion of the country.

"I’m a freelance reporter and was invited as a guest to a press trip you organized for me in Kramatorsk and confirmed at 8 p.m. yesterday," she tweeted Thursday. "At 5:54, while I was on the night train, you cancelled my trip by WhatsApp and told me you will not even pick me up!"

She said she was left alone, without body armor, and told it was up to her where to disembark from the train "while hostilities were going on all around." Her whereabouts could not immediately be independently confirmed." FOX

Biden's moment of infamy: hollow pledges on the eve of Russia's attack on Ukraine

"President's vow to 'defend every inch of NATO territory' meant nothing to Ukraine, which isn't part of the alliance.
In his final speech Tuesday imploring Vladimir Putin to forego a planned invasion of Ukraine, Biden took military action by the United States off the table while offering a hollow pledge so detached from geopolitical reality that it stunned some in the diplomatic world.  

"We have no intention of fighting Russia," Biden declared. "We want to send an unmistakable message, though, that the United States, together with our allies, will defend every inch of NATO territory and abide by the commitments we made to NATO."....the proclamation was undercut by the fact that Ukraine — the object of Putin's aggression — is neither a member of NATO nor in its protection zone.

 "At this point, this is a problem for Eastern Europe, between Russia and the Ukraine and the rest of Europe," retired Air Force Col. Rob Maness, a security expert, told Just the News. "It is not a NATO problem at this point, because Mr. Putin has not threatened a NATO country."

Biden's handling of the Russia-Ukraine crisis has drawn multiple rebukes, starting with a decision in the early days of his presidency when he revoked permission for the Keystone pipeline in America while giving Putin a long-sought U.S. blessing for Russia's Nordstream II pipeline in Europe.

That move changed the geopolitical equation for Russia, whose economy is one-dimensionaly dependent on energy exports. Suddenly, American and Western counterparts were made more reliant on Russian energy, and Putin's often-stretched treasury fattened with rising oil prices.

Then Biden made another blunder, suggesting he was ready for Putin to make a "minor incursion" into Ukraine. He had to retract the statement within a day as it looked to be a permission slip for Putin to take action in the Donbas region of Ukraine.

Biden's reversals have continued. On Wednesday, he sanctioned the very Nordstream II pipeline he had approved, exposing for critics the folly of his earlier approval.

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) told Just the News that he believes Biden set the stage for Russian aggression with the pipeline decisions followed by the bungled U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan." JN

Russian Forces Have Captured The World’s Biggest Cargo Jet In Ukraine

"The fate of the Antonov An-225 Mriya remains unknown after its home airport fell under

Russian control. The fate of the world’s largest fully operational aircraft is uncertain in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The one-off Antonov An-225 Mriya, from the Ukrainian Мрія,” or “Dream,” has been at Hostomel (or Gostomel) airport northwest of Kyiv since it landed there on February 5. While there has been heavy fighting at the airport, there are unconfirmed reports that the Mriya is still intact, at least for now, although it is now in Russian hands. The An-225 is based at Hostomel Airport, sometimes referred to as Antonov Airport, which is used primarily as a commercial cargo hub." Drive

Beyond Satire: Kerry Worried Russia’s Ukraine Invasion Will Distract the World from Climate Change

".....According to the lantern-jawed John Kerry, the real problem is that it will distract us from
focusing on climate change. He, during an interview with BBC, had this to say:

I’m concerned about Ukraine because of the people of Ukraine and because of the principles that are at risk, in terms of international law and trying to change boundaries of international law by force. I thought we lived in a world that had said no to that kind of activity. And I hope diplomacy will win.

But massive emissions consequences to the war – but equally importantly, you’re going to lose people’s focus, you’re going to lose certainly big country attention because they will be diverted and I think it could have a damaging impact. So, you know, I think hopefully President Putin would realize that in the northern part of his country, they used to live on 66% of the nation that was over frozen land." TP

Biden presented with options for cyberattacks against Russia

"US President Joe Biden has been presented with a menu of options to carry out cyberattacks to disrupt Russia's ability to sustain its military operations in Ukraine
, NBC News reported on Thursday, citing four people familiar with the deliberations.

NBC News reported that the options presented to Biden include disrupting internet connectivity across Russia, shutting off electric power, and tampering with railroad switches to hamper Russia's ability to re-supply its forces." JP

'Hypocrites on Parade': John Pilger Calls Out World Leaders for Ignoring Donbass Shelling For Years

"The European and US leaderships have been called out on their “hypocrisy” by a veteran
investigative journalist and filmmaker, John Pilger.
Pilger, who is known for his critical outlook on the UK, US, and Australian foreign policy, referred to the situation in the Eastern Ukraine, where the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics have been fighting for self-determination for the past eight years, suffering from a violent conflict with the Kiev regime
The republics of Lugansk and Donetsk in the Donbass region (LPR and DPR) declared independence after the 2014 US-backed coup in Kiev that saw democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych overthrown.
The coup government subsequently passed anti-Russian language laws, affecting the largely Russian-speaking population of the two Donbass republics.
Donbass has since then been fighting against the Ukrainian government, defending their right to vote, as a majority of the region voted for Yanukovych in an election certified by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Kiev branded the regions as separatist, launching a civil war against their own people that has now lasted for eight years.
In reference to the situation, Pilger posed a question in his tweet:
Would this be tolerated by the rulers of the world?”
The US heavily supported the 2014 coup in Ukraine, which eventually led to years of internal fighting in the Eastern European country.
The US’ current position on Russia’s special operation in Ukraine has been reflected in statements made by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who called off a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov that was set to be held on Thursday." Sputnik

Putin’s troops raise Russian flag in Ukraine as ‘Z’ tanks lead second wave ground invasion after aerial blitz

"RUSSIAN troops have been spotted raising their flag in Ukraine as the second wave of
Vladimir Putin’s invasion. Ground forces have been streaming across the border into the former Soviet state from all sides after the aerial blitz in the early hours. 
Tanks, trucks, howitzers and other armored vehicles – some marked with the distinctive “Z” – have been seen rolling in from Crimea. Other vehicles crossed the border from Belarus, with these marked with an “O”. The “Z” symbol became a distinctive image of invasion, as it’s believed to be an invasion organization marking or to stop friendly fire. And atop a power plant in Kharkiv, southern Ukraine, a group of soldiers raised the distinctive red, white and blue striped flag of Russia.  
Putin had surrounded his western neighbor with some 200,000 troops along with all kinds of weapons. Fighting is raging through the country as Ukraine attempts to mount a resistance to the assault." TheSun

War In Ukraine Risks Displacing 1 Million, Sparks New Refugee Wave

"Hundreds of thousands, if not more, some estimates are at one million Ukrainian refugees are set to flood into neighboring European countries as Russia launches a full-on invasion.
Poland Minister Mateusz Morawiecki warned last week that a refugee wave from Ukraine would be imminent if war broke out. He said his country is ready to assist a large number of refugees. 

"Poland would be primarily affected, not only due to its proximity, but the significant Ukrainian community living in the country, which could act as hosts to others at least in the early stage," Magdalena Majkowska-Tomkin, director of migration issues for the Open Society Foundations philanthropy (George Soros funded group), said in an interview before the invasion." ZeroHedge

Egypt follows up on Russia-Ukraine military escalation with concern

"Egypt, with great concern, is following up on the recent developments of the Russia-Ukraine
crisis, which could escalate further and be out of control, said Ambassador Osama Abdel-Khalek, Egypt’s permanent representative to the United Nations in New York on Thursday at the UNSC emergency session on the crisis.
 The Egyptian embassy advised nationals in Kyiv to keep identification documents and to follow instructions issued by the Ukrainian authorities until the situation stabilizes." EgyptToday

Reports Trickle Back of Demoralized Ukrainians Retreating

"As Russia’s armored columns sweep into Ukraine while Russian aircraft, cruise missiles, and helicopters pummel Ukrainian cities and military positions, one question floating around is if NATO will fight.
However, the bigger question is whether the Ukrainian forces will fight because if they won’t fight for their country, it seems unlikely that NATO would step in to defend them....reports are trickling in that the Ukrainians aren’t fighting and are rather retreating.

The Russian Defense Ministry, for example, released a statement saying that: “According to intelligence, the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ troops and service members are leaving their positions in large numbers, dropping their weapons. No strikes are being carried out on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ units that have laid down their arms.” TP

Ukraine Warns "Radioactive Dust" Could Spread Over Europe As Fighting Rages At Chernobyl Nuclear Plant

"The potential is rising for greater fallout from the war across Europe, as intense fighting is
being reported centered in the Chernobyl area. Ukrainian authorities are sounding the alarm over potentially disastrous scenarios which could ensue in areas of the Chernobyl containment zone, which includes an expansive region surrounding the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant where radioactive contamination is highest, since the April 1986 disaster. Russian troops are reportedly entering the area from Belarus, according to Interfax:

Advisor to Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko said that Russian troops from the territory of Belarus entered the zone of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant (NPP).

Gerashchenko stressed that "if a nuclear waste storage facility is destroyed as a result of enemy artillery strikes, then radioactive dust can cover the territories of Ukraine, Belarus and the EU countries!"

Ukraine's President Zelensky has also reportedly sounded the alarm over combat in the containment area: UKRAINE PRESIDENT SAYS RUSSIAN OCCUPATION FORCES ARE TRYING TO CAPTURE THE CHERNOBYL PLANT." ZeroHedge

UK Pushing To Kick Russia Out Of SWIFT, But Germany Says No

"...... it has long been suggested that the west could expel Russia from SWIFT, effectively
Russia out of the entire dollar-payment system, and leaving Russia with few payment alternatives, one of which would be of course bitcoin.

Well, adding fuel to the fire, moments ago the FT reported that UK prime minister Boris Johnson was pushing “very hard” for Russia to be ejected from the Swift international payments system, "a move that would deliver a heavy blow to the country’s banks and its ability to trade beyond its borders."
However, in an even more surprising twist, the FT also reports that Olaf Scholz, German chancellor, "warned Johnson on Thursday that his country would not support such a dramatic move and neither would the EU, according to officials close to sanctions negotiations." A German official declined to comment, saying only that “all options are still on the table”. ZeroHedge

European Gas Prices Spike 13 Per Cent After Nord Stream 2 Cancellation

"Energy prices are set to soar across Europe and the UK again following Germany blocking
the approval of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline amid the ongoing strife in Ukraine.

Europe’s natural gas price benchmark — which is determined by the price per unit of energy traded in the futures market in the Netherlands — saw a spike of 13 per cent." Breitbart

Russia Threatens nuclear retaliation against U.S., NATO if Intervention

"Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine in a surprise television
announcement at roughly 6:00 a.m. Moscow time, 10:00 p.m. Eastern. The Russian dictator
described the unprovoked attack as a “special military operation for the de-Militarization and de-Nazification of Ukraine.”

I’ve made the decision to conduct a special military operation,” Putin said. “Our analysis has concluded that our confrontation with these forces [in Ukraine] was inevitable.”

As for the military sphere, modern Russia, even after the collapse of the USSR and the loss of a significant part of its nuclear potential, is today one of the most powerful nuclear powers. And moreover, it has certain advantages in a number of the latest types of weapons. In this regard, no one should have any doubt that a direct attack on Russia will lead to defeat and dire consequences for a potential aggressor,” he said, making it clear that he was threatening nuclear retaliation against the U.S. and NATO if they interfere with his attack on Ukraine." Breitbart

Russian missiles blitz cities across Ukraine with ‘hundreds’ of casualties as Putin orders full-scale invasion

"VLADIMIR Putin has declared WAR on Ukraine and unleashed his terrifying arsenal with a full scale assault on the country – plunging Europe into a bloody new crisis.

The tyrant declared a “special military operation” in Ukraine with a dawn raid after months of amassing his forces on the border and brazenly lying to the world about his plans to invade.

The world is waking up to what could the most horrific crisis since World War 2 as Putin seeks to tear down the world order.

His full scale invasion of Ukraine is all part of his plan to rebuild the Soviet Union amid his paranoid fears over Nato.

Ukrainians faced the sound of booming explosions and blaring air raid sirens as missiles, airstrikes and artillery shells fell on their homeland." TheSun

Taiwan reports nine Chinese aircraft in its air defense zone

"Taiwan's air force scrambled again on Thursday to warn away nine Chinese aircraft that
entered its air defense zone, Taiwan's defense ministry said, on the same day that Russia invaded Ukraine.

The ministry said eight Chinese J-16 fighters and one Y-8 reconnaissance aircraft were involved, which flew in an area to the northeast of the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands at the top end of South China Sea." JP

Chinese State Media Accidentally Releases Censorship Rules On Russia–Ukraine Coverage

"A quickly-deleted social media post - released to the public apparently by accident - provides

a rare glimpse of how the CCP’s messaging on the escalating Ukraine-Russia tension is channeled to the masses.

Horizon News, a video news network under state-run Beijing News, on Feb. 22 instructed staff to avoid posting any Ukraine-related content on China’s Twitter-like Weibo that may come across as unfavorable to Russia or pro-Western.

Let me review your draft before you first put it out,” stated the Weibo post, which has since been removed. Commentaries, it added, must be “carefully selected and controlled,” while topic selections should follow the lead of People’s Daily, Xinhua, and CCTV—three of the country’s foremost Party mouthpieces.

“Whoever publishes them will be held responsible,” the post stated, noting that each post should be monitored for at least two days." ZeroHedge

Zelensky gave orders to inflict the maximum losses to the aggressor

"Today, on 24 of February, at 5.00 AM the armed forces of the Russian Federation launched and intensive shelling of our units on east, delivered missile/bomb strikes on airfields in Boryspil, Ozerne, Kulbakino, Chuhuiv, Kramatorsk, Chornobaivka, as well as on military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
At the same time the aggressor started artillery shelling of the areas and settlements along the state border and administrative boundary with temporarily occupied territory of Crimea.

In the Joined Forces Operation area 5 aircraft and 2 helicopters of Russian Aerospace Forces were shot, two tanks were damaged, several trucks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation were destroyed.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine gave orders to inflict the maximum losses to the aggressor." Pabia

Ukrainian military is fighting at the outskirts of Sumy

"Ukraine's Armed Forces and the National State Border Guard engaged in battle with the
Russian occupiers at the outskirts of Sumy.

Source: State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Quote: "The Ukrainian military is defending itself. According to available information, the Russian Federation is launching an offensive from Konotop." Pabia

Ukraine's second-largest city Kharkiv continues to take the brunt of network and telecoms disruptions

"Ukraine's second-largest city Kharkiv continues to take the brunt of network and telecoms disruptions, leaving many users cut off amid scenes of destruction as Russia targets the region. Kyiv is currently less impacted by outages." AlexandruC4

Macron vows 'consequences' after Russia's 'act of war' on Ukraine

"French President Emmanuel Macron vowed "consequences" for Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Thursday, describing it as a "turning point" in the history of Europe."

UK warns of unprecedented sanctions against Russia's 'dictator'

"British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday said Russian President Vladimir Putin
was a "dictator" who now faced "massive" Western sanctions for invading Ukraine
 "We cannot and will not just look away," Johnson said in a televised address to the nation." France24

Awkward: Asked if He Underestimated Putin, Biden Stares Vacantly and Picks His Teeth

"It’s one of the most awkward twenty seconds ever captured on video in a disastrous
administration that lurches from one awkward moment to another: when asked “Do you think you may have underestimated Putin?,” Old Joe Biden first continued to stare in the general direction of the question, a slight smirk on his face, expression absolutely unchanged from what it had been before the question was asked. A few seconds later he turned his head to face the camera and, after a few more seconds, grinned sardonically. A few seconds later, he began picking his teeth with his thumbnail, and then grins a bit vacantly before the video mercifully runs out. Amid all the wrong choices, erroneous policies, abject failures, and stupid missteps of this disastrous administration, it was a trivial moment, but it was a telling one."

Putin lashes out with "I hope that I have been heard"

"Putin described the "special military operation" in limited terms, to protect people living in
Donbas who, he claimed, had been subjected to "genocide," a charge that Ukraine has strenuously denied. But in the next breath, he lashed out more broadly: "NATO supports Ukrainian neo-Nazis ... our actions are self-defense against threats.
Then, in an extraordinary passage, he spoke directly to members of Ukraine's military, at that very moment in the crosshairs of the Russian military. Addressing them as "dear comrades," he told them they had taken an "oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people, and not to the anti-people junta that is robbing Ukraine and abuses those same people."
"Don't follow its criminal orders!" he demanded. "I urge you to lay down your weapons and go home.
Putin, who for years had criticized the West for ignoring his complaints about NATO's expansion toward Russia's borders, was finally striking back with fury. "I hope," he concluded his short address, "that I have been heard." CNN

Ukrainian Soldiers From 57th Motorised Infantry Brigade Have Surrendered

"LPR is claiming that soldiers of the 57th separate motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian
army have started laying down their weapons and joining the Russian side." Sputnik

Ukrainian military plane shot down, five killed

 "A Ukrainian military plane was shot down on Thursday and five people were killed,
Ukrainian police and the state emergency service said, as its armed forces sought to defend against a massive Russian military operation." Reuters

Russian helicopters attacking military airport near Kiev

"Russian helicopters attacked Gostomel, a military airport near Kiev, on Thursday afternoon,
according to Ukraine's Armed Forces."  

Ukrainian military says it captured two Russian soldiers

"Ukrainian Armed Forces announced on Thursday afternoon that it had captured two Russian soldiers." JP

Black smoke seen over Ukrainian defense ministry intelligence HQ

"Black smoke was seen rising over the Ukrainian defense ministry intelligence headquarters in
central Kyiv on Thursday, a Reuters correspondent reported." JP

Russian media says two civilian ships hit by Ukrainian missiles

 "Two civilian ships were hit by Ukrainian missiles in the Sea of Azov, according to Russian media." JP

Siren sounds at Polish border crossing with Ukraine

"A siren sounded at a border crossing between Poland and Ukraine in the Polish town of
Medyka, according to Reuters. 
The background of the incident is unclear." 

Operations at Ukraine's sea ports closed by its military

"Operations at Ukraine's sea ports have been suspended by the country's military, Mykhailo
Podolyak, adviser to the president's chief of staff, said on Thursday."

Ukraine’s Kyiv, Kharkiv hit by missile strikes

"Ukrainian military command centers in the cities of Kyiv and kharkiv have been attacked by missile strikes, the Ukrainska Pravda news website cited a Ukrainian interior ministry official as saying on Thursday. Reuters witnesses in Kyiv heard a series of explosions shortly after Russia announced a military operation in Ukraine."

Trump on Reported Ukraine Invasion: ‘This Is Something that Should Have Never Happened’

"Wednesday, on the heels of reports that Russia had launched a “full-scale invasion” of
Ukraine, former President Donald Trump proclaimed Russian President Vladimir Putin would not have acted in this way under his leadership.
Trump blamed the Biden administration, and the show of what he suggested was weakness, which started with the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.
This is something that should have never happened,” he said. “This would not have happened during my administration. In fact, some people were saying, why didn’t this take place over the past four years during my administration? And it didn’t for a very good reason. I’ll explain that to you someday. But it wouldn’t have taken place, and it wouldn’t have taken place right now. It’s a very sad thing for the world, the country, and it is certainly sad for a lot of people that are going to be needlessly killed.” Breitbart

Fears Putin will deploy Russia’s terrifying thermobaric rocket launchers that can ‘explode’ enemy’s lungs in Ukraine

"VLADIMIR Putin may deploy some of the world's most devastating weapons in his full-scale assault on
Ukraine, experts have claimed.

Russia's terrifying arsenal of thermobaric weapons launches a barrage of fuel-air explosive warheads so powerful they can "melt" an opposing army.

Sebastian Roblin, a military expert, writing for, said: "A TOS-1 rocket barrage will wipe out everything within the 200-by-300m blast zone."

Further from the blast zone, pressure can break bones, dislocate eyes, cause internal haemorrhaging, and rupture eardrums, bowels, and other internal organs.

They can also suck the oxygen out of lungs, causing them to collapse, suffocating their victims to death." DailyMail