Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Cuba starts accepting Russia’s Mir payment cards

"ATMs in Cuba began to accept Russia’s Mir payment cards, Juan Carlos Escalona, adviser to the embassy of the republic on tourism, told the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) on Tuesday. He said that until the end of 2022 they will be accepted at all sale outlets in the country." Tass

IMF Cuts Global GDP, Raises Inflation Outlook, Warns "World Teetering On Edge Of Recession"

"The IMF slashed its global growth forecasts for the third quarter in a row, while raising its
projections for inflation (i.e., stagflation is here), warning that the risks to the economic outlook are “overwhelmingly tilted to the downside” and that the world "may soon be teetering on the edge" of recession." ZH

Ukraine on the Counterattack (Maybe)

"Ukraine might have begun a genuine counteroffensive against Russia.
The front line has remained essentially static since July 3, when Russia completed its conquest of Lysychansk. So the situation on the ground remains as follows:
  • Ukraine is basically secure in the north, Kyiv, and Kharkiv.
  • In the east, Russia holds most of the Russian-speaking areas in the vital Donbas region.
  • Ukraine is testing Russian defenses in the south, around Kherson.
But unless Ukraine proves able to take back land in areas where Russia chooses to be strong, Moscow will take most of what it wants." PJMedia

Russia Eliminates Over 40 Foreign Mercenaries in DPR

"Russia's Ministry of Defense reported on Tuesday that some foreign mercenaries have been
eliminated in Ukraine in the past three weeks and another 240 have fled the country." Sputnik