Sunday, April 17, 2022

Russia Says It Shot Down Ukrainian Transport Plane Carrying Western Arms

"TASS is claiming that Russian forces have brought down a Ukrainian military transport plane that was transporting Western arms. It would mark a massive battlefield development if confirmed, potentially escalating conflict more directly with the West, now that Russia is actively targeting Western arms shipments." ZH

"Not What We Are Seeing" - US Intel Officials Reject Biden's "Genocide" Claims

"President Biden appeared to veer off script in the middle of his 'blame Putin, not our idiotic
policies, for your collapsing cost of living' speech, when he dropped the 'g' word..."Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide half a world away."
On the same day Biden accused Russia of genocide, Newsweek published an article quoting a senior official from the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency who said the civilian casualties in Ukraine are typical of modern warfare and “hardly” amount to genocide." ZeroHedge