Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Ukrainian drone strikes on Russian refineries

"Ukrainian strikes on Russian refineries are now doing what the Western sanctions regime failed to achieve. One of the world's largest oil producers is now importing gasoline. By the end of March, Ukraine had destroyed about 14% of Russia's refining capacity and forced the Russian government to impose a six-month ban on gasoline exports." MS

Dozens detained as Paris police clear Gaza war protest at Sorbonne university

"Those arrested in the police operation on Tuesday night were being held for a variety of public order offences, said the statement.

They include willful damage, rebellion, violence against a person holding public authority, intrusion into an education establishment and holding a meeting designed to disrupt order. Some are also being held for participation in a group with a view to preparing violence or damage to property." France24

64 combat engagements were recorded on the battlefield

"64 combat engagements were recorded on the battlefield during the day, according to the update. Throughout the day, Russian invaders carried out 1 missile strike, 40 air strikes and 72 MLRS attacks on the positions of Ukrainian forces and Ukrainian cities and villages." Ukrin