Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Biden Stumbles, Barely Makes It Up the Stairs to Air Force One as He Leaves Poland

"After Biden wrapped up his visit to Poland, the exhausted octogenarian was barely able to
make his way up the long, steep stairs into Air Force One. Just past the halfway point, he stumbled and fell. " PJM

Iraq To Drop Dollar For Yuan In Trade With China

"The Iraqi central bank announced that, for the first time, it plans to allow trade from China
to be settled directly in yuan instead of the US dollar
to improve access to foreign currency.
"It is the first time imports would be financed from China in yuan, as Iraqi imports from China have been financed in (US) dollars only," the government’s economic adviser, Mudhir Salih, told Reuters." ZeroHedge

Enemy attacks Kharkiv with S-300 missiles

"Serhiy Melnyk, chief of the Kharkiv military garrison, wrote on Telegram that the Russian
army struck Kharkiv with S-300 missiles around 10:30. The occupiers target infrastructure objects." UKRIN

Someone Falls Out of Air Force One During Trip to Ukraine

"Footage is going viral of someone falling out of the Air Force plane that President Joe Biden
took during his trip to Ukraine. During the trip, video cameras caught someone falling down the stairs while walking out of the plane." TP

House Republicans Visit Kyiv: There Is ‘Strong, Bipartisan Support to Give Ukraine Everything that It Needs’

"House Foreign Affairs Committee chair Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) led several
Republican lawmakers Tuesday on a trip to Ukraine where they expressed their support to President Volodymyr Zelensky and conducted oversight of military equipment." Breitbart

US Believes Russia Conducted 'Satan 2' ICBM Test While Biden Was In Ukraine

"Russsia conducted an ultra-provocative intercontinental ballistic missile test while President Biden was in Ukraine......Russia notified the United States in advance of the launch through deconfliction lines, one official said. Another official said that the test did not pose a risk to the United States and that the US did not view the test as an anomaly or an escalation." ZH