"It was first reported on January 28th, 2023, that the balloon was seen
in Alaska, and it is
believed to have taken a flight path from Alaska into Canada, before entering the mainland United States.
believed to have taken a flight path from Alaska into Canada, before entering the mainland United States.
Over the course of the next several days, the balloon made its way
across the country, passing through the Idaho-Montana region and
continuing on its journey. On February 1st, 2023, the balloon was shot
down after it had left US territory in North Carolina, having
successfully collected all of its data for the Chinese Communist Party.
Here is a list of the US Military bases in the path of the China Spy Balloon.
- Malstrom Air Force Base – Montana
- Ellsworth Air Force Base – South Dakota
- Joe Foss Field ANG – South Dakota
- Sioux City ANG – Iowa
- Offutt Air Force Base -Nebraska
- Camp Ashland – Nebraska
- Lincoln ANG – Nebraska
- Whiteman Air Force Base – Missouri
- Fort Leonard Wood – Missouri
- St. Louis Army Human Resources – St. Louis, MO
- Scott Air Force Base – Illinois
- Fort Campbell – Tennessee
- Nashville ANG – Tennessee
- Smyrna ANG – Tennessee
- Houston Barracks – Tennessee
- McGhee Tyson ANG – Tennessee
- Pope Air Force Base – North Carolina
- Fort Bragg – North Carolina
- MCAS New River – North Carolina
- Camp Lejeune – North Carolina
- US Coast Guard Station Fort Macon
The recent presence of a China spy balloon in US airspace constitutes
a significant and unprecedented threat to national security." TP