than two months on, Kiev’s counteroffensive shows no sign of being
successful as the
Ukrainian army’s losses in men and materiel continue to increase.
Ukrainian army’s losses in men and materiel continue to increase.
Former US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) analyst Larry Johnson has lashed out at the UK military over allegations about vegetation being a factor in stalling the advance of Ukrainian troops.
“Who knew that all the United States had to do to ensure the success of
Ukraine’s counteroffensive was to provide them with a brigade of weed
wackers, so they could have gone out there and cut down all the weeds,”
Johnson said in an interview with a YouTube channel.
He spoke a few days after the UK Defense Ministry claimed in its regular
intelligence update that “undergrowth regrowing” in the southern part
of the front line in Ukraine remains a likely factor “contributing to
the generally slow progress of combat in the area.”
Kiev has lost over 43,000 servicemen since the start of Ukraine's
counteroffensive." Sputnik