Sunday, October 8, 2023

DeSantis accuses Biden of ‘sleeping on the job’ after president said he dealt with Israel, Hamas crisis at 7.30am – EIGHT HOURS after attacks began

"Joe Biden’s critics are accusing him of ‘sleeping on the job’ while war was breaking out in
Israel and others are wondering if he received the ‘3am phone call’ Hillary Clinton famously said every president should be ready to take.
Republican presidential candidate and GOP Florida Governor Ron DeSantis accused the president of being missing in action after his stunning revelation during a press conference on Saturday.
The president alluded to having calls on the unfolding situation in the Middle East at about ‘7:30, 8 o’clock’ – eight hours after Hamas’s bombardment of Israel began." MichaelSavage

US demands condemnation of Hamas at UN meeting, but Security Council takes no immediate action

"The U.N. Security Council held an emergency meeting behind closed doors Sunday, with the
United States demanding all 15 members strongly condemn “these heinous terrorist attacks committed by Hamas,” but it took no immediate action." AP

Russians actively searching for Ukrainian underground in the Luhansk region

"According to information from the Ukrainian Resistance Movement, the primary focus is on
residents who previously served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of
Ukraine or were active volunteers during the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) and Joint Forces Operation (JFO).
The occupation "administration" is concerned about the activities of the Ukrainian underground, which is why there is an increased counterintelligence regime in the occupied region." MS

Taliban Asks Middle East Countries for Passage to Join Terror Campaign in Israel

"The Taliban announced that it’s asked Iran, Iraq and Jordan for passage so they may help
Palestinian jihadist terror group
Hamas conquer Jersusalem,” ....Taliban is much better positioned to wage major offensives in the Middle East thanks to Joe Biden’s strategically inept withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 which saw $86 billion in abandoned military equipment fall into the hands of the jihadist group." IW

Father of Israeli student kidnapped from dance festival breaks down in tears after seeing footage of his ‘petrified’ daughter begging for her life on back of Hamas truck

"The father of an Israeli student kidnapped from a dance festival by Hamas terrorists broke
down in tears as he watched distressing footage of his ‘petrified’ daughter begging for her life. Heartbreaking footage shows Noa Argamani screaming ‘Don’t kill me! No, no, no’ as she was forced onto the back of a motorcycle by the Palestinian militants during yesterday’s surprise attack from
Gaza which has claimed the lives of hundreds of people so far.
The 25-year-old was seen stretching her arms out in a desperate bid to stay with her boyfriend, who was forced away at gunpoint, before been carried away by the terrorists. Neither have been seen since."

Zelensky holds emergency talk with Netanyahu

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had an emergency phone call with Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who briefed him on the actions of the military and law enforcement in the country,
Zelensky said on Telegram." MV

Leaked Emails Show Canadian Media Exec Demanding Journalists Avoid Using Term ‘Terrorist’ in Hamas Coverage

"An email from the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC), a publicly funded news outlet,
instructed journalists to avoid using the word “terrorist” in their coverage of the ongoing war between
Israel and Hamas.....“Do not refer to militants, soldiers, or anyone else as ‘terrorists,'” George Achi, the Director of Journalistic Standards with CBC News, told employees in an email sent midday Saturday. “The notion of terrorism remains highly politicized and is part of the story. Even when quoting/clipping a government or a source referring to fighters as ‘terrorists,’ we should add context to ensure the audience understands this opinion, not fact,” Achi explained in a note first obtained by the American organization StopAntisemtism." NationalReview

U.S. Weapons from Afghanistan Ended up with Palestinian Groups Operating in the Gaza Strip

"According to a Newsweek report published in June, an Israeli commander said some of the
US. small arms seized in Afghanistan have already been observed in the hands of Palestinian groups operating in the Gaza Strip.
The report began recirculating on social media, amid accusations that the Biden administration funded Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israel by releasing $6 billion in frozen funds to Iran, the main backer of Hamas.
The Israeli commander interviewed by Newsweek also said he was “very worried” that U.S. and Western-provided weapons to Ukraine could also end up in Hamas’ hands." Breitbart

Iran Helped Hamas "Plot Israel Attack Over Several Weeks", Gave Green Light, WSJ Reports

"....the WSJ reported that "Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday", according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group....officials from the deep state blob - who have been desperate to appease both Iran and Venezuela in recent months in hopes of getting sanctions against the Tehran regime
lifted so that it can officially supply extra oil to the
US ahead of the 2024 elections (instead of just unofficially shipping oil to China), with Biden terrified what high gas prices may do to his reelection chances - say they haven’t seen evidence of Tehran’s involvement. In an interview with CNN that aired Sunday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “We have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack, but there is certainly a long relationship.” This was echoed by an U.S. official of the meetings who said that “We don’t have any information at this time to corroborate this account.”
A European official and an adviser to the Syrian government, however, both of whom are not bound by the price of oil in Nov 2024, gave the same account of Iran’s involvement in the lead-up to the attack as the senior Hamas and Hezbollah members.....Some more details from the WSJ:
A direct Iranian role would take Tehran’s long-running conflict with Israel out of the shadows, raising the risk of broader conflict in the Middle East. Senior Israeli security officials have pledged to strike at Iran’s leadership if Tehran is found responsible for killing Israelis.
The IRGC’s broader plan is to create a multi-front threat that can strangle Israel from all sides—Hezbollah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in the north and Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank, according to the senior Hamas and Hezbollah members and an Iranian official." ZH

The US will send a carrier strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel

"Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Sunday he has ordered the Ford carrier strike group to
sail to the Eastern Mediterranean to be ready to assist
Israel after the attack by Hamas that has left more than 1,000 dead. Americans were reported to be among those killed and missing." AP

Shani Louk, whose naked body was paraded by Hamas fighters, was also possibly robbed. Her credit card was used in Gaza

"Shani Louk, the young woman whose naked body was seen in the back of a pick-up truck
driven by
Hamas fighters through Gaza, may have also been robbed....the family said they had received information from her bank that the tattoo artist's credit card had been used in Gaza.
Louk had been attending an outdoor "Festival for Peace" party near Kibbutz Urim when Hamas fighters invaded. Videos showed how panic spread through the crowd as the fighters arrived at the event in the desert.
A video of a young woman with dreadlocks on the back of a pickup truck surrounded by Hamas soldiers started circulating on social media shortly after the attack.
In it, she appears stripped to her underwear with her legs bent at unnatural angles. One man grabs her hair while another spits on her body." BI

Egyptian police officer kills two Israeli tourists

Israeli tourists and an Egyptian citizen were killed on Sunday when an Egyptian policeofficer opened fire in the Mansheya area of the city of Alexandria in Egypt, according to RT Arabic.....The police officer believed to be responsible for the shooting is understood to have used his personal firearm in the attack, which took place close to the popular tourist attraction Pompey’s Pillar." RT

France to blame for any new conflict with Armenia – Azerbaijan president

"France’s move to supply military aid to Armenia could inflame tensions in the South
Caucasus and lead to fresh conflict,
Azerbaijan’s president Ilham Aliyev has said.Aliyev has been critical of the European Union’s (EU) position on Baku’s dispute with Yerevan, and pulled out of EU-brokered talks scheduled with Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan earlier this month. At the summit, Brussels said it was standing by Armenia in the regional dispute." RT

Over 100 Ukrainian citizens ask Ukraine's Embassy in Israel for help

"Over 100 Ukrainian citizens have asked Ukraine’s Embassy in Israel for help. The
whereabouts of five
Ukrainians in southern Israel have been confirmed.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in an evening address
Quote: "The Ukrainian Embassy and the Israeli police are working together in every way possible to find out what is happening to Ukrainians who found themselves in the areas of hostilities and shelling. Unfortunately, the deaths of two Ukrainian citizens have been confirmed. My condolences to their families and friends.
The Embassy of Ukraine in Israel, all our diplomats in this region, and the intelligence service are working around the clock to help all [Ukrainians] who need help. The Embassy has received more than 100 appeals from our citizens. The whereabouts of five [Ukrainians] in southern Israel have been confirmed."

Arms Sent to Ukraine Potentially Used Against Israel, DPR Government Adviser Says

"Weapon supplies to Kiev may have come back to bite Ukraine’s donors as they potentially
fall into the hands of groups around the globe.

Adviser to the head of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), Yan Gagin, has suggested that weaponry sent to aid Ukraine could be being used against Israel..."It is quite bizarre that it was Israel, along with its NATO counterparts, that recently supplied all kinds of arms to Ukraine. Some of the military aid ended up being resold (...) by Ukraine’s military personnel and army officials. The great number of it was resold in a completely unmonitored way. Ironically, Israeli soldiers are now being shot with their own guns and weapons, transferred to Ukraine by NATO," ...Mikhail Bogdanov, Russia’s deputy minister of foreign affairs, said that Russia urged both Israel and Palestine to cease fire and resume negotiations." Sp

Terrorist group’s attack on Israel is yet another Biden geopolitical failure

"In recent months, Biden's administration made two significant choices to give billions
of dollars to countries that fund and support the terrorist group
Hamas. And, in one instance, taxpayer money was still sent to a country even though the administration's intelligence reports warned that sending such aid could be used to fund Hamas. Last month, President Joe Biden’s administration struck a deal with Iran to release $6 billion of frozen Iranian funds in exchange for the release of five American prisoners. .....during the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hamas launched a devastating attack on Israel, firing thousands of rockets and unleashing dozens of its fighters into the country. Hundreds were killed, and many more were reportedly wounded." WashingtonExaminer

Russia is pounding Ukraine with glide bombs. 40 of the massive weapons were dropped on a single Ukrainian region in one night

Russia is pounding Ukraine with powerful glide bombs, hitting a single Ukrainian region
with 40 of the weapons in one night this week........
Russia is equipping old Soviet bombs like the FAB-500, which it has a large supply of, with a simple satellite guidance system and "wings,". BI

How A Key US-Saudi Defense Deal Is Linked To Latest Hamas Attack On Israel

"The assault, the biggest incursion into Israel in decades, coincides with US-backed moves to
Saudi Arabia towards normalizing ties with Israel in return for a defense deal between Washington and Riyadh, a move that would slam the brakes on the kingdom’s recent rapprochement with Tehran.
Palestinian officials and a regional source said the gunmen who entered
Israeli towns, killing 250 Israelis and taking hostages, were also delivering a message that the Palestinians could not be ignored if Israel wanted security and that any Saudi deal would scupper the detente with Iran." PersianGulfNews

Ukraine claims to have invented an 'invisibility cloak' to help its snipers and specialists evade detection from Russian troops

Ukraine said it invented an "invisibility cloak" to help soldiers evade detection from thermal-
imaging devices. One of the developers told Newsweek it was made with specialist units like snipers in mind. It is unclear what the jackets are made of or if they differ from space blankets made of Mylar."

Putin Ally's Car Explodes in Occupied Ukraine

"Vladimir Malov, a Russian official in occupied Ukraine and ally of President Vladimir
, was killed on Saturday after a car he was in exploded, as confirmed by other local officials.
Malov, according to news outlet Ukrainska Pravda, had been serving as the "secretary of the local branch" for the United Russia party in Kherson Oblast, a region in Southern Ukraine near the Black Sea and the Dnipro River, just north of Crimea." Newsweek

55 Chinese sailors in submarine feared dead 'caught in trap' meant to snare UK and US

"Up to 55 Chinese sailors are feared dead after a nuclear submarine was "caught in a trap
intended to snare
British and US vessels
", it has been reported.
According to the Mail Online, 22 officers were among those reported to have died in China's Yellow Sea - including the captain Colonel Xue Yong-Peng. The reported trap was intended to "ensnare British sub-surface vessels" operating off the coast of China's Shandong Province.
The report states: "According to a secret UK report the seamen died following a catastrophic failure of the submarine's oxygen systems which poisoned the crew. The submarine hit a chain and anchor obstacle used by the Chinese Navy to trap US and allied submarines." DailyExpress

Russia Blames US for Israel Attacks

"The biggest attack on Israel by Palestinian militants in years was caused by U.S. foreign
policy failures, the former President of
Russia Dmitry Medvedev has said, as Russian social-media users celebrated the outbreak of violence. "The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been going on for decades. And the U.S. is a key player there," he wrote." Newsweek

2 of Israel's elite commanders and many officers have been killed in the Hamas war launched from Gaza

"Col. Jonathan Steinberg, commander of Israel's Nahal Brigade was killed fighting Hamas, the
IDF said.Col. Roi Levy, head of the elite Multidimensional unit, known as the "
Ghost" unit, was also killed." BI